
Ronan is a real gay. The rest of them might just like the girl like the guys at the same time, money. But Ronan is a real gay. I think Kian is good, soft, always going along with him and everyone. Much softer, not every 2 seconds mouth jobs aggrevating him. But it will not be Kian, so I say next Justin Timberlake. I met someone looks like Ronan.

But he will probably....like one of those Zawanna's Aviation those blonde. 

Highly verbalized, and skillful, and have a lot of the friends. Ronan will like the third category, but, I think in the real on Earth life, its the first Kian.  But he probably will find out if the third category will be the future plan, so....he wonder what that person suppose to look like I guess. Not first, not second list I given to him.

That is what I will comment on Ronan. No, not Asian. Its a blonde.

I prefer just to live a real life, really.

A real life that is in front of you, everything else, its WAY WAY WAY too classify, I don't need that in life, a life means a real thing everyday, you mean it, that one person you say you are, you mean that is what 2 people work it out together.

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