
Shane is making up a lot of garbage, in here, at those Chinese temple, it’s a child method or healing …

It does exist. I met one in next by Annca looks like my brother.  Unless you want to tell me otherwise, any word to say? And plus some are so mental sphere like he says, he or they sit in the MD office per degree legal or what shall you say …per degree inspiration but what’s legal, must be Europe hard law? 

I heard not I know whom doing THAT! Shane he I imagine things, I know. 

The rest group bands not all your girls jobs? It’s mine stuffs now? You all can go to University South Dakoda, it’s me at staring one group, you all extract the rest of groups the individual supporting methods.

Is making-up stuffs also liability?

True but not to the extent til bankcrupt, no. It might be the Laws in Europe it’s stricter too, because all more civilized country are more difficult in processing certain industry. True. But…he making up what stuffs? Someone transpassing them? He watches movies I think, that’s for real what he did….there is a certain degree of making it up - all those imagination. I might even know what movies is that, seriously. 

Irish is not American, he doesn’t need to be that American international….but, he efforts in that becoming more like American custom ideas. Including learning the English. 


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