
The science facts !


In the Children's encyclopedia in America, probably are nothing but the words. 

In our adult regular encyclopedia, there was a lot of the picture, so I told everyone its a children's format of the encyclopedia. I think its just one kind. America means the library keep them, no one reads, so the hard cover looks fine.

In the life form where in the Kingdom of God, one day God made Light and Darkness, til one day there is a cell inside an ocean. Its funny sounds, but that is literally someone will tell you how the origin of all the biology theory comes from. They biology definition starting with... "organism".

Back then, how this study begins, you don't really have a microscopy. So no one knows

1) the bacteria 2) VIRUS.

It means ....until an orange being observed a green mode outside, later you have the penicillin era, about 1928. When that penicillin comes....you will have a way to eradicate the spread of any plaque, that is the beginning of halt everything down. That beginning of Time cease the all world origin of the disease. You didn't think that is. I told you say it is.

So this video you looking at a thing, not.....all people know what that is.

Its very very very small creature, the farmer tell you that kinds of the language. The real biologists should tell you? They live?

They are so small??! 

Things break open, burst to die, like every bacteria inside the salty water for every kinds of the vegetable, the ancient known methods of cleaning them. Yeah, dehydrate to die. That is on the very very very small theory rely on, its called the "cell theory".

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