
Before I got initiated, I read a lot of things. I like the Barns & Noble.

That time, the Dead Sea scroll were just unearth as early as 2004, I got nothing else to do, every day on Hebrew. Why I gone to Dr. Gabriel? There must be a reason, so I asked him a question in person. That is one thing no one hears why I ending up there?

So many years pass....

You know how Kryon and I met? It was his DNA 12 Hebrew sound as early as 2004...he was there you know, the only internet scene. There wasn't a lot of things on the internet, where you could find the Hebrew words means. I wish I had that 1 to 20, or what not, both Hebrew or Mayan translation if that time I paying more attention in the future I will write a book? 

I didn't think I gonna make it through. You carried a thing for so long ....life knock you behind from a brick. You didn't have to live that life, but I did. 

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