
What the normality people wants, would be their lawsuit for ....at right now. You born as the prince or princess idea inside a rich wealthy family. You have the parents or the single parents, or some guidance. As you grew up, you inherited that business.

Our life in my family is not stable. But ...I remember how that goes. Until ...I get to America, these people's height and they told you on the TV and media too, so I knew that every interview process is very very limited. They teach you all that in the school.

What you really really want, its to gaining that Rich, Wealthy, because I personally don't think. You might putting it on the paper. I cannot write anything down, remember? The pen.

That would be you concretely knowing it, you really really really knowing it.....the value of the money.

I haven't yet. Because all my life, I didn't really use the money. My sister did. I never really had that life. I didn't buy anything, or I didn't like shopping, and it took some times for my brain to know 1) How to stand there, and be patient shopping per leisure time. 2) To sort my own drawer. I still remember the first time in Jame's house. How I re-sort all my drawer in the organization format. I didn't become today on the first time. Not really. 

It hurts me brain, badly that time.

What you really really wish, and them. Its the money reason not you yourself make in in life inside that American world without imagining if you using the short cut to jail. Most statistic will tell you, the kids whom have more the family all around the money reason to support them, including that education, they turn out better.

In every aspect. 

Let's say these kids they grew up stable, more stable. And then one day they got into their own inherited statue, the boys or the girls. They already know their own association background to a lot of things, not that they know that is not the one person jobs. They live in the illusion, everyone is there needed them.  But they talk with their mouth opens, so a lot of people can get things done, or finding out the things to make those things works for them. 

My jobs is really one person. I don't like the human starting from the birth, everyone knew that.

But....what really these lawsuit from the lower sphere of the Earth, its how soon they can acquire those name, and the Wealth. Its the commodity they pine on "Good living statues", to buy anything they like, they want, to eat anything they care, and having a physical trainer, and imagine that life, you can go to 9-5 anywhere place just as your heart desire, other than your own home. 

If not inside the palace those freedom limited gate behind life.

For saying Anna's job, typing unlimited, to guessing if those are the money per case, or using one extra brain, they need "their respected privacy intact.". 

They didn't see why they getting a title after the laws, before the laws, at the public sight, they have a job, and the public willing to give them more, if they deliver the jobs right now, starting any time about 10 years ago. Show up yourself, no matter that money. Be attune to what is the reality in life, and maturely telling them, why or how you end up the way you are. 

But most of them won't see that anything inside the Lords of Rings, you saying the public all that does not exist. I never really go and advertising myself, but I guess the Lawyer or the Judge isn't one of the public they say, they are just the public servant at all costs that attitude.

Then when they becoming the money filthy rich, which I highly doubt it....stable not necessary all that, they still envy those whom had a family, a more stablize family. Not someone else working up all that for, or finding some care taker, or the senior care looking after your own family. You are always certain, the rich or medium family, they don't care about their own mother, or father. That is what you faithful saying, you are about to get on the street, why you care so much of that?!

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