
When Neo 2014, to this OU language, I can read that myself SHE....on. Til when this Mahavatar Babaji, he is not the rest of the Babaji, at least you knowing that?

He is what known as the Avatar Babaji, and he is immortal Babaji. There is a difference .....really. Everyone else is the Guru, he...is Shiva type? 

So when that one day you realize, you get up and run, never looking back....and for what reason everyday you sleep on that OU book, I was. Every single day every single second, I spend like 10 hours per day on that....it was free download Dec 25th, I freak out I was running, all the way to Orillia, and back down to Buffalo, and it started to snow, so I stop. 

Last year I start listening this Shane making up stuffs My Love, Coast to Coast....Mine only capable its that American Classify whatever they all trashing each other, but they are the first defense through that Black Ops against both ET, Reptilian and Greys. When they dare to put an OU.....

I scream. I literally scream. 

UB is completely useless, I have no words for saying that, really. And YOU cannot have any of this Kingdom, Phylum, Family, Order, Gene, Speice disappear out of that ENTIRE American Classify system, I don't know how to internal or external screaming, you have to find out where those Star Gate, Start Ship, Stargate Atlantis, anything but a main switch board, to put them all back. I have no ways means, cannot possiblely to be that OU. ALL OF YOU?

Right UB all gone okay, NOT the American Classify.....I have no way to verbalize in the public.

I have no way saying aLL LOUD, because both ET are above the sky, WHEN I took  about 1 month before putting things on the real Computer coding system, before AGT or the Library Congress 6 months, ago. (Shut up birds. Police whistle)

No, I know what is the Stargate, I know the Starship anything somewhat I seen a bit. I did. Not a lot....what is OU langauge? ...I heard that Black Ops their language at the classify means?  I am the only one human being outside that Kerry and Bill door? 

You cannot possibly to be THAT lucky ~~~~~~They literally know Sariputra, or literally everything I done, or literally every thought, they say the High Tech, so that is one full year 2013 on...that Library Congress.

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