
You say, Anna says....any of them can go to MD did this. Do they do that on purpose?

If they discuss anything prior to the MD, including the brain storm, are you going to face MD in the end of all this, or in the end of any of Boyzone has no required to show up, because they literally working it out at their own offices. 


"Can you hear what she did behind? I cannot, or I am not too sure. She didn't visit anyone to do this."


"Dean, by the way today I went to see 1 people, one is my psychiatrist about Ronan these materials + Anna's piano behind about plagiarism, the second person I see its my lawyer, correct I didn't tell my parents. I thought I wrote you a note, something its pushing it through. To this Compete and compared, whatever you all pushing at it, I feel I am doing the same, we are standing all our own lines, kinds of like Square and she is doing, but their faces are not the girls for seeing, that is her brother. "

"Dean, I didn't tell my doctor that is the plagiarism because I thought he might think I am stupid he is wealthy and you are not, but I am telling you, I think that is plagiarism. Are you going to answer me or not? "

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