
You want to say, your face jaw to the head, its you close your eyes, 2 hands close at the thumb and middle finger to sit, "quiet~quiet ~quiest~~" breathing.

So deep breath.

Your thought slightly touch your grey matter of every kinds, its per thought, you try to kill about zillion times, so you destine goes to hell.


Its per thought I say. The moment triggered. 

A prayer, and a deep prayer, or a magic evoke, or evoke with your spine buttom to Top, or with the emotional to upset. That magnitude its about you breath lightly, Thor hugs me kiss me.

You try to compete and compare, you will see a huge humiliation one day. 

I never dare to do that, because that is the Quan Yin methods, I fear the power, I never have an emotion that much. But they can trigger my body. 

I got nothing to trigger. American didn't do that on purpose they will tell you, if they hear about it. 

The magnitude its an instrument, but they are probably the energy being. I am not too sure. You want to hear about.

Its the Upper World's Mastership. You are not sure whom they are, or how they can vibrantly detect every touching moment of per emotion. It is.

There is a magnitude instruments on that calibration.

If your will is strong, you break apart any of that upset, its enough hurt at my private moment and often they sent me to sleep, so I only remember the hurts. None of you really trying to say, why don't you just die and go to hell with it.

You didn't believe any practice, not even your own Bible, or your own religion.

So go on living your very life. If you can tear apart 20 years starting Jonathon's dad that on....because I give an order. If within that 20 years education department you can destroyed, you can set yourself free.

This is the real human did the things from before. They coming out that stuffs on the human initiating part. If you cannot tear apart that, you just got notified, I say on the facebook, its just a debate.

Some people might get the call, if they got told to join. Meaning the currently have the background to be there.

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