
Boyband and SA (including the group leadership and the band members)

You just say, some of your original content are orignally targeting at the both the boys and the girls music gerne, but in that legal process, if something went through for 30 years, it means that legally someone allows you to exist. 

But on the birth certificate, those everything from the Black Ops side, they have to taking care of all of this "original content", what things being set on their original states. Once the court finding it out the details and disclose to the more behind Party, that is when you say....what things belongs to what, along those sequence of all "comic book, paper publication, imagination realm, the fantasy movie gerne", that including a lot of the last eternity everything got dissolved through that karmic tie, so something didn't form, its something got dissolved.

Then you asking the court to find out, or the court will make a ruling in that. You don't really need to worry a lot of that stuffs. You just asking them to proceeding that pending over on the American Black Ops say, and each Party be informed and be told what's going on.

You can provide some of these 30 years 

1) Feedback how the audience have told you the real comment about the songs mean to them, mean to their family, or mean to their youth time, like 7th grade?

2) How they believe those lyrics in what way, whichever feedback that is not you putting up the testimonial for the advertising.

3) Some of the original content when you first initial discuss or with the company people, or there must be a process how you remember that process of some of those creation, the music melody, or the content, or changing a notation, in whichever some episode of that incident, you describe some of that account to the court, how those original content, you were oversees, or told, or modified, or debate within your own group member, or fight about, or argue, or disharmony, or...fall off. Being together this long partnership, you have some of that incident happened when you saying the professionalism is one thing, being legally process, that is one entire album, you keep producing it. So you describe some of that process each of this SA situation. 

My song, is not my song, I just download a sheet of music, "Titanic" (2014)

    That original creation were in my room, I got an electronic piano from Erin, and sometimes I play in the backyard, that is under the tree, so the original creation was near a tree that those birds talk, I wasn't paying attention so the recording were being input in there. I didn't realize anything about the birds in my brain when too many things on the go. I haven't touched a piano for a very very very long time. I still remember that 1st grade to 6 grade all that baggage were too heavy for me. My entire growing up process including in the school, I drop that piano like revenge saying, it was 3 to 6 years pass by, I never touch once again that piano. I was very exhausted.

Then one day gone overseas, a lot of the family supports were changed, the kids have to grow up, my sibling and I don't have any interaction anymore, and that life reality has kick me, and those invention were a whimp though I believe, or just something passing through. I keep hope up those time every single day, mostly alone time. I listen to a lot of the New Age under that same tree outside the yard, its just a window that open to the eating dining, that was my rental place. 

To that life how the 16 years year, I probably don't think a lot of this what it used to be, I remember what I used to say to myself in those reflective moment of the Buddhism doctrine, You always think what things that God provide you, at that given moment, so that things didn't get worse each and every step. Its everything that I want, so it ended that way. I like to be left alone to do my own things in life, so he is at Canada, and I am in the US. The bf. Its very exhausted that entire situation. And later I found out this Zawanna their world and a serious implication of the birds are in between, that my mother and my family + nick are more disable in life, so you die on the jobs to the MD profession, I will tell you, I probably never even think one step over that medicine field other than the trying out the Pharmacy that much. They usually told you, its the first native English speakers.

I don't think I give a lot of the thought on that music production. I have some meditation, but that is barring down and prone to the realm, that might be not what i wish to "actively" seek out. No, I never put forth those situation, and now I have found out a several thing, those might be very very harmful too.

During my fasting, they becoming very "intuitive", that is what I can describe, no, I didn't using my will power to going forth, but there are things that I fallen asleep in between, it becoming the directly dreamy state.  I am a lot more scientific prone to that belief, because I just prefer things be done with the physical eyes, seeing its more practical, and get that efforts out, almost to a similar idea "you karma yoga out of your whimp thought," don't just sit there to be that imagine things.

That is probably what I did over a lot of things combine to tell a story. 

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