
I know....you say there are the classify nature in it?! I have no idea if there are any classify stuffs in it. Meaning ...the what being mix in between.

The reason why you are separating that right now at the court, its to clarify. You are aging, you are not going to be here forever. But things are being put forth this validating, someone else are overseeing all this in the bigger picture. They didn't violating your right, you are not sure what are these neither. For the Earthly Cooperate and money dirty culture speaking, you didn't do that for the divinity reason, some are sexual, or some are raps those saying music gerne.

You are looking for a partner, or you are looking for a business proposal, you are looking some other ways on the revenue, including that sharing of that dividend, whichever it means to you on the personal level growth. 

You all have to tell me, what is that to do with me, really.....one of this day. 

Most people like you "its to find faults in others." So you say that with your company behind you to the court. You prepare what things behind to 

Hurt part ABCDEFG. Like the fireman department certificate, or what things behind a vocational coaching certificate. 

You can just describe

1.  We are similar to SMCH, our nerves got wrecked over a Hungary retreat a real story happening to her, in front of that VERY important and POWERFUL retreat, not the money talk, there was a couple put in front of her, she saying how garbage things were display like the garbage bags.

2. People done things on purpose to say Forever and Eternity, we probably sometimes didn't mean it we seeing that true, but it affects to us.

3. The music bug original created (movie: ABCDEF), we are less powerful than we imagine, so this sequence might be....a joke of the beginner's luck.

4. We did this for the money reason, not really SMCH those humanitarian reason, and we are the guys, the real guys, you individual whom are the real guys, and whom are not the real guy (the girl included her name.) - 98 Degree they say ....

5. If you are a gay, you saying you are. And you saying some of those music process having those. And these name were...."you know the girls are like that", and you are not the girly, but you trying to putting yourself in that zone. What happened?

"We or I roughly guess, we seriously guessing it, not implicate we know we are the girl."

"We freak out when that is the brother and the sister scenario."

"We don't know what to do."

"We seriously think between each of us, whom are this brother and the sister type if they are the ET means, or they are seriously got kidnapped and the down below part." 

"The girls side probably more mild to the shame say, we didn't have that much of the shame than our money, so its all the pants down process."

You describe all that in a process......

6. I myself very sure I am a guy 

7. I myself very sure I am a guy. I remember from the year 1998 to now, every single day I am a guy, for real, the body parts. 

8. I myself very sure I am a guy. I have seen myself in the mirror, I shave, I know those are the guy's nature, I look at the mirror often in my entire professional life. No I am not the shape-shifter. 

9. I myself very sure I am a guy, not not ET.

10. I myself very sure I am a guy, no, not the girls.

You say for the money reason

You know you had the family behind reason included, "I want to know this SA club facts, we have a real love issue. Its we gonna regret the eternity starting that, I mean I am seriously a guy, I am doing a guy method, meaning we will sit down and talk."

You say for the money reason 2

There are some party involved to the .....Lords and name and Title, and ....what not stuffs. We can W Two world barring down, or those are the Cooperate methods?  No, we are not the educator, not the doctor. If there are, you say your name and state it what degree or the education background you have. You cannot personally assist because its more for the fan club, not for this.....Black Ops negotiation the overall compensation all behind. 

You say for the money reason 3

You say it clearly on the court paper, none of this were the humanitarian reason, not the philanthropy reason, not really. Its a business method, but we might got fine starting from the beginning or got warn. You say no, not divnity reason, and NO, that is not the theologian class. No, not Harry Potter class, no, not potion those. We are the one being victimized, we can see from the TV screen. We prefer a more CNN those professional attire, the modern metal, or sleek, or smooth surface of the car, or the rubber curshion shoes (the running shoe), or the branding.

I spend.....this much money on my outfit entirely.

Does Zawanna they exist, or ET? These are the bills. I mean you pay me back all this modern reason professional we becoming worthwhile reason. We don't want to hell, so there is a choice, we going forward with you, or we retrieve back. You tell us in that same notes too, if there is a communication. The first part and the money part.

You say for the money reason 4

You say half of my soul disappear with all of this. No, this is the individual speaking part, not the company, I want to say for myself. My education were like Keanu Reeve K1 -K12, I have .......situation.

I am not all that literate, so my stabilization were nothing sound like that Anna.

We have talked about it. uh ....we can tell you, its the leaking water roof, we panic, we probably kill some of the year in our mental health or the physical health. But we are holding it on. Its called the karmic retribution, we touch the psychi side of retrieving that material, we had some of those conscious, we are not built internally, if Anna vice versa, what the hell she meant she insists, there is the law side, you or her, to be standing on two bar duel, we are nothing like that, not that Celine Dion song with Ilno Divo. We are very sure very very sure, we are nothing like that Anna, one human kind, that kind. Not in the speaking tone, not in English literacy, not in fantasies, not in the muscle tone, or the eye sight, we cannot see. We wear the contact lens. You say you are some medical doctors in our world, or we are communicating for real in your medical world outside like those Zawanna, your name right now are being broadcasting right on our television, at this moment, its at the third series, you are aware, or you know that is 8 billion people staring at, and being purchased, and the money transaction with your name? 

That is one thing we didn't do, not the SA. That is Disney did that. They are in the Florida, America, near the water area. 

You say for the money reason 5

We probably will re-instated this, half of our soul disappear.

We might thinking our love in our lifetime also disappear too, are you a real human, Nordic is a human race, that means neutral or more soft. We all imagine we are more softy, because we get hurt. Is there a love reason you all putting your behind surveillance force, meaning, without love we gonna get jailed. She does that very often kisses and hug. 

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