
Eating Lychee (She is on the phone....I am in the kitchen), you saying you are the W Two worlds, the lousiest Medical Technican, that script is on a lousiest female doctor.

You mean your father has you as the apprenticeship?  That is the words you use = the  apprenticeship. 

No, its not like that. I didn't start a conversation with Adam Davis, not even a "hi", because I don't remember him at all. Ella Enchanted its not my biggest issue, or any of this TV at all. The trailer I did along that time axie, but you saying Westlife its right in front of my eyes, and all my paper works its on the ground, I screaming at Kian? The beginning of the story is that Zawanna looking like WHOM, in their video: Amazing.

Technically the human parts are not important, because if someone literally telling that is how much paper per page, being written and file, and never stop written things, and becoming a video of that, including the video I explain to everyone prior to Westlife I knew their individual name, i was a little bit stress when they coming near.

But when you saying I have to resume to this NASA job, Elsa 2014/2015.....all the continuation how I process this Victoria Secrets, not really Vartan I say a word, if he or that whom asking me, it was he knew about what? So I leave it to the rest of those UB guys do a thing. I don't really contact them, you have to trust something in life especially with the guy.

I think that is how I make sure if something did happen bad, yeah I tell Vartan and Lee.

Yes, I say something. Not before. Square thing.

But I had a more than NASA jobs, and then Westlife just show up, and what did they present??!

uh ....I probably will tell you the day I showing anyone my photo, its the day I saying goodbye to the rest of the guys and kind of the relationship, but I explain the girls to go forward. 

Anyway, 6 months gone, and we are here. I still have this I stuck at the job every so often. People whom knew me from the before, its very often I got stuck everywhere got strangle over my neck. I cannot move. So here is what I can say to you including your dad he is more of the professionalist, he shows me he and your mother left that house, and everything saying goodbye. Its you and Adam's life. Congratulation to the new settlement of the new house, and they sold their old home, you have no more room.

You want some new LED light from Taiwan, the up in the ceiling?

What I would tell everyone, I don't usually step outside the house. I don't have a job, its the American currency, and that card they given me, + I need to finish whichever I consider Kenshin (MD side, it starting 10 years ago, unbelievable, they used to be 430 Sojiro.)  - but whatever regardless all things I claim they can validate, just not me outside running 2 worlds apart. I stay file-ing inside. And if they gonna expand this a little bit larger, I might find a method how to use U-bert. That is before I think of anything exercise indoor, if this Westlife is passing it by, or my imagination.

You don't take things why its to push other people, like I say to Shane....all the light blue box, the paper works, these rudimentary subjects, it is the real court room. But I didn't think of leaving here, so I say they might expand the space, I walking or exercise a bit on one of those machine. 

I didn't have another brain to imagine anything else. Here is my home. That is....probably I keep saying that for now. Just not running America - Taiwan. Not really. I didn't leave anywhere for 7 years. I don't do those things, so that is what your father understood my side of the story.

For the guy, right....I might move. But I already told Shane, there are the paper works like ....1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -10.....I think he understands.

I sleep and I rest. I probably don't mind, my mother to go and gets some of her life, if Shane really asking me, they seem to matching people up, but I am not sure she wants to cook anymore. Technically....I eat only 1 meal. Really, the lunch one. And she has more of the thing  she made for herself, this far. 

When I am so into my works, which is real in front of me....I tend to just no time for anything else, so I watch the trailer, and I told everyone what I think, and I finish that immediately, I usually don't wait, or find an explanation why that is. I let everyone else to go and take care. I have other things I put it down. That is what I mean my priority in my life doing the things.....as I had more outside the home since I was 20 years old. I got my first job in UB, paying the car gas, and every day I have to work, and near that work, or staying near the UB. You will be surprised, I usually getting near by. 

So no, I will tell you I didn't have any time for the TV, and I will tell the court or my personal lawsuit whichever now or the future, my parents or the uncle and aunt they can just die, without any of this. They retired, and no more this TV watching, and be happy somewhere else. But for now, I sometimes staying on the phone explaining to them.

How funny, its the chat box next by Shane or Westlife them. Facebook and Line App are different.

Correct, I can see something on the TV.

But I am working on this BTX for 9 long years, everyone kind of guessing that, not that knowing how long that will ever be a case. So usually they extent some of the expectation time, and suddenly I acquire something.

My jobs are toooooo many things. When I get the book done 2020, some of that stuffs, I throw at the American Congress, or I leave a description, I say -------> That way.

I have a little bit I considered to be a real human, the real living, the real technology development, meaning the kids learning through Web 2.0 (the library concept), so sometimes you implementing things as soon as you hear, you see, you get it done. I don't have a time on the math, or I cannot know in advance. I will tell you that.

I only receive see it, I immediately act on it. And I always get on the jobs when I seeing it. So some of the things people are reading it about including the Chinese side.

My age is at 40 years old

A lot of things will start at the age 20 years old, many of the youth. The world is already changed, so I need to secure my own finance, whichever any job that sound right, or I get near the guy, whom we make it together or, even just close enough. 

No, I usually don't ever doing that.....but if I can see, uh...its right in front of me, I don't think you just slap a guy's face, and saying things too impolite, you don't even meet that person, just cordials and amicable from the start. Not to be harsh or anything, most time all of you girls having a language "we regret" it.....

I am running as if my vision or peripheral never ends of my life, you can see that on my Pinterest. Its my City, I never left the City. Its the same place I am growing it up. Not anywhere too far even. So I put enough things to make everyone knowing where I am. I left my facebook, and those UB kinda of, you being saying I am home, I am fine. Anything its right there.

I think Westlife they made it very stronger force as the guy, I can feel it. When the guys talks....uh, 2 people inside a lab someone seeing us inside and that story its a high school musical?

Meaning I didn't know them, and what happened on the TV, I didn't even have time to see that High School Musical 1 2 3. My brother's age, he loves those things about when they come out. He came to my Thanksgiving week, and he told me that and Twlight, or he told me through the phone. 

I try to look like I seeing the High School Musical some of the clip through the Youtube, but if you asking me anything inside that entire story plot. I am inside the lab like Sherry in Conan Detective, the beginning of that story....I don't really know.

I was thinking, I leave my hair long. I see that in Sailor Moon Tim Cook those sceptor the evil kid did....?!

Anything why my hair has to be long in Christmas Pinterest Food album, and....may not be the High School Musical. And which TV so important my hair has to be long again? Yeah, its already longer now.

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