
( .... hmm, erase a line, a short phrase. Sit up, raise up this paper, its a A4, not transparent in the sun)

Funny ....

I think its a bill. You go there to make a bill pass. Meaning they don't do this all to you anymore, including to me, because my face is not in there. 

I think I need to be in the Washington D.C too, for some strange funny feeling inside. (Look right down, you facing me) 

It looks like....according all these paper if they written things inside. No, not I reading them. The void feeling.

I think I also required to show up?!!

If I have to show up, of course I need to prepare my luggage to things.....

You have anything in you why you need to show up in American Congress, anything to show off, those things? 

Zawanna is a medical textbook

         Kail is a law book/ or textbook law publishing.

Me is this Bio Textbook just the beginning of that periodic chart, not the whole book. + that small tiny things how to do my Youtube music festivity on the comet commanding the whole world I say so. 

I do what?

I literally have to show one or 2 IPad, with that camera at me, how these 2 things works behind the Apple IPad, on that keyboard, the apple's portable keyboard, and show them a making Youtube Channel process, how to 

Click, upload, show the thumbnail, and using these 2 things on my Phone jet, here for the phone to take the camera angle, not the IPad, because most filetography people will tell you, that is 2 angle filming process, but let's say I telling them the options of all that in 1 hour, its one hour appointment I need their full attention on all things I say.

That is how I understand I suppose to do there in the Washington D.C?

For me? 

I think it is be honest what I do? If I first landing there talking to the host family? That is the only thing I can think of why I ending up in the Washington D.C. 

If with Zawanna or Kail too? Yeah

We all have to bring our publication to show up, and showing them the host family, because none of us knowing why we end up in the individual family house, but we all know what we did behind?
Its a similar background? No Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, all these lab, or indoor, or cage life, nothing but that piece of the book, or invention, lab bench works? 
Show off already too many times, they try I am sure in their own separate life? 
That is why I think we end up in the Washington D.C. 

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