
I am so in pain !!! Really. 小鳥 ~~~~! Pain, really pain. You have an exam or something in hands?

... ...they write the notebook like

The blood consist of ...



There are how many percentage that we the human consist of the water being. 

Guess what?

Right, I cannot hear you.


The oxygen, the red blood cells carried the oxygen to transport to the lungs, you saying the heart towards, the heart going, you mean the literally per red blood flowing rate to that artery or the vein in that 2 different direction if in the healthy normal boy, not saying the clotting issue, any pressure exists, then....you mean the red blood cells have to exist its because we the human literally breathing the oxygen in, the CO2 out. All those mechanism have to carry through the blood stream. All the artery, the vein, the 微血管 they are all the blood streams. I am just in general telling the tubes that carrying the bloods inside the human body, those the blood vessels.

The artery its the blood vessle

The vein is the blood vessle

The 微血管 is the blood vessle

Meaning...there I said, the toward or going out, away from the heart.

Because the heart literally.....

Cannot be dead like your commander SOS.

Not ST O D

STD Tamang, Wing and Dean !!!!

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