
Isn't Saturday my day off here.....your brighter morning somewhere, this is not my timer, this is the Earth Time my map 2:54. I am not late......

I cannot live that day bright life staring at....THAT.

Time zone, or the jet leg, I am very physical built here. Is not today one of those Quidditach world game, or your normal day-to-day has to be a Saturday?!

I cannot move! I don't understand it!!!!


I am watching .... ...

2:03 = Canada\

加拿大 (I was saying the Canada Pixie and American Pixie. 加   拿    大 )

So 加 = 力  口

             Strength (same sounding like Lee),  Mouth

No, not Square. But you can draw it like a square idea.

2:06 Like American Pixie

2:07 We are at the Phase 2

2:08 The Pixie Bandwidth 194, that we are the vacuum


2 Weeks ago you boys, a circle of you downloading. I can see. I told you once, before, before, before...2 or 3 weeks ago maybe.

2:48 .... just look at it myself. Why don't I just pain killer patch myself without any of this anymore?

Might be someone has to switch hand (you note about here, not 3 weeks ago. Here. Not 3 months ago when that commander says, it is the date June 24th, 2023. I heard. Right...similar I know.)   I highly doubt it. But its this segment. 


The sensation from yourself you define as the external coming to you via the surface skin, if your this a lot more resistant to you prolong heat or dry sphere that define your outside layer. I never seen it. 


The sensation from you yourself define as from 1) the external

2) Via the human surface skin, or you gonna say you are turtle shell

3) and internal liver center

Your boss will know what that is division of that air you breath that you see. So the physiology if not saying much of that anatomy I didn't think it was part of the textbook, there are the component that within, you saying your have a sugar rush surging that back of your spine, not the Kundalini energy, its a very physical sensation from within, and you need to get up and doing some exercise, just for one of that chocolate piece, you thought it was not affecting you. It can, but some of the human they are not detox and that sensation like they were a baby disappear from their memory. Unless they repeated to re-learn that sensation, they are currently numb to all that + all the emotional traumatize of the TV shows, so the conspiracy theory states, that they brain washing us....were that most time, these diet, or whichever something else will lesson a lot more the physical pain, they just die out. They won't evovle, but they don't stay in that mode of a lot more pain if according to that conspiracy theory. Its the human rooted fault, but they are the mortal. 

Those subjected to "without" the chocolate are all the Buddhism define as the desire, jealousy, anger, hermone imbalance, dehydrated, hungry, fear, highly stress, no family supports, or cruel so no friends. No resonance.

These are not any physical substance in your mouth, drink by your mouth, swallow your mouth, or inject by the needle like the drugs inside the skin through the surface skin. 

These entire physiology concepts to how you built up a body, you can literally speaking in our human world, we didn't start with those Porslin doll on the lotus built up the head down. Neck is the lotus flower, similar to Victoria Secrets except golden lotus. There are these myth and legend I used to know, not that I have heard they conceive the baby methods were not from the mother, or the human sin its the first degree murder if you all continue to make.....all that as the priority. 

When you feeling love......or someone literally pulling you 2 apart other than the tears in the Ginny Weasley, there were the responsibility to that harsher ideal how you operating your aircrafts so that vision is a sensation from the outside, you put a goggle looking this our world define as the Gaming play. Those sensation to your eye, that is the external all elements touches your eyes layer to enter your being, to that brain process upside down image, and then immediately knowing what that recognition of the color, the shape, the detour road or the path, so that your 2 hands operating steady at your own strength you are training starting younger......you are still look A LOT young (if you just pull away each other, I won't be that giant size than any of you )

If you making a PowerPoint slide, other than my barren hands to literally....doing this pulling far apart... you are looking at the people's brain's function in their own older mechanism of the same information, one day what you know as the elder care in the older age, if they are placed in a comfortable environment, that is 3 meals a day they watching the TV for the rest of their life, and as they close their eyes, they are repetitive linger into those they can think the memory, or the scenery, or including imagination to things what it means to them dearly, that entire mechanism inside the human will, not to evolve at this time, some are literally given you the text of that Past, no matter what it meant the outdated artifact, one word from God, it will mean so dearly in the human Samsara if not fallen 400 lifes repetitively, they warn from the last era, it might Eons or Wheel of Life it will never meet again or over turn that divine communication from this Zero ground - the Sea Earth to any other higher world, where the sunshine such as the 6 eyes, We are the One eye seal here. 

The monitor behind the powerpoint slide ......it must be a different kind of saying from my side right.  In our legal world even including the American Medical Board given this W Two World, whatever that is:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHbK30Xa9xE

Meaning literally you putting a lot of the tears in this. You can tell, the real girl of Dr. Bing Shen's daughter, she cannot possibly holding steady that 2 hands on the steering wheel driving at the nights through a curve road like that. You want to go to the Canada to see my own records? Mine are the worsen curved. Not this design fine. This guy might be a gay, or a mostly some normal guy will tell you, a psycho and using someone to manipulate someone into that relationship and every lies say behind. But the girl agrees its that game never end. 

The normal business sector such as the hospital will never happen while going on the surgery procedure you having a tear inside that every eye frames someone else can seeing you inside outside. As if that lips of the kisses, through 2 people, and the guy putting something inside his mind, to going through that.....a every day a fake world how living through that love, it will be greatly guarantee his TV success, because that is the business. 🦅

Or he does the hire himself. 



The physical nerves its per strings, the nursing........Daniel from APO done it next by Tom. That way ------> in UB.

That is a physical seen things.

The bloods constitute of a 2 parts gradients. That is the circulation

The white blood cells are the lymph, the lymph system.

!) The nerve system you feeling it? 2) The circulation system, you hydrate period pain me.  3) The immune system idea or here you say the lymph node.

So 4) you saying the immune system meaning when the bacteria invasion from the air, or the Virus through the seasonal flu, these micro idea of almost undetectable in our PAST civilization over the 4000 years, its not until this 1950 years on, what we known of for the first time the eradication of the whole humane specie can continue to live in the peace and harmony, every kind of the plaque, at least as far as we know of.

A) The bacteria

B) The virus.

The vaccine study, or the research in our world, of course so many upper advance world, to us, its just no less than 100 years since we begin.

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