
I can tell you what I know (without these invisible paper, where I reading it from) - APO, you have a secretary recording the meeting's minutes.

Mike is the president.

Tom and Keegan

Daniel or Heather....them. 

I cannot understand the English what was "a minute" means, or you have a procedure you sitting 4 hours long meeting, doing nothing you have an agenda to pass.

You need Tom to agree, Keegan to second that. 

Your American Television were a Congress hearing, and Biden they were at mid-night shift. And you had a several people I see the voting, and its a hand counts by eye sight. I can see all that, and they written all of the TV monitor screen, in my day time I seeing on the CNN.

Behind in my seeing through my resume, those are the Washington D.C does the beauty pageant. Sometimes its the grand hotel ground floor, meaning you stand, and all bright light inside the ball dance hall room. Its a eat-out, but its indoor, and everything bright you can see.

One is night time, similar to Obama, except only he has the light on him, everyone else are in the darkness.

(I cannot see, but it should be an invitation letter on the dinner plate if you crrawl your way inside your own seat in the darkness, someone will check that dinner plate its vegetarian or liquidarian.)

So they have the committee, to find out these educational sector ideas of every resume I show you that one link before.


(I used to reading them the same paper too. Its the different paper, all right. Anything behind?! )

(Might be ...its more of the outfit than the age. No, its not me reading it to you. Its another person staring at it.)


Meaning its a lot a lot a lot of the activities in that entire Washington D.C very very very often. But you didn't get in 3 years ago, or you didn't do anything but on the outskirt. These are the education side I guess. But its a lot of this seeing, meeting, the scienctist. I don't really know what that to do with the Washington D.C.

Maybe he or she staring at the transcript?!

Or resume. CV.

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