
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ You know nick is a man he used to have a lot of this life going up or down. You saying even the conditional human, having some help, he got trained into some life philosophy, sometimes its not tooooo bad to hear a tiny bit in life.

Sometimes you only get there, you find out things.

1) You didn't do.

2) You didn't prepare

3) You didn't thought

And you yourself telling them the movie to which, they understand perfectly, you didn't do your own homeworks. 

You know what is a homework? American politics its the hot popular world activities. Someone even me a foreigner knows my civil class and just reading to you per word, per line, per degree "burnt", meaning, if right now D.C having someone even knew, its me reading you per word per line per democracy world ought to be, they will tell you, you are file-ing an idea, and you using her materials to both way against me or them, on her double. 

If they know that by now, they will know how you get there exactly just like the TV, because this TV, you thought you thought you thought, you travel stopping at? 


Not Washington D.C.

๐Ÿ’ And another thing birds stop me, or now telling me to tell you .....

Biden got a personality, you know what that is? Or Obama or Trump? Or your very own SA president, UB SA, not Mike, not Jonathon, not Ayo. For saying...you reading the blue comic book, the very first story over that Sailor Moon. 

You thought Shane those SA, you wishing them so unwilling ill. That is what I will tell you. 

A lot of the decision people will see, only while you arriving there, not even I know of. These are not the unstable factor. You are the unstable factor. Because most likely that situation will be you go without your parents to near by the D.C area and live there. You taken your own test makes no difference here or there. They will all telling you that but what really happened the things I say about your president, you didn't learn anything not with the SA, not with the SA president, not with your president.

You are not going get in between "your host family", on the first 3 weeks, because 3 times meeting of that 21 days, you are not the person they want to associate with.

1) 3 years you lost keys.

2) You lost your parents.

3) You lost your friend.

4) You lost your transcript, you need to fly back to UB.

5) You want to see someone in UB around when you flying it back and get that transcript or something you forgotton missing.

You didn't hear one word or learning one thing from me.

You becoming a very burden to all of them.

You are nothing but a piece of junk, nothing but a burden, nothing but the movie says, you moving anywhere rural or the City, you are exactly whom you are, you demand, everyone must take care of you. The movie did this to you, that is the only thing the Washington D.C can do for all of you. Coming near.

But in that 40 years you suppose to do, you didn't do anything, not one thing. They see that in your eyes, you hate the politics, you hate the politician near by, anyone, you didn't getting into any social skill to move your way all around with that one family. 

That one family suffers, not the behind whom will find out. Its layer by layers to that the real American politics set up. You didn't do anything for anyone. You just meant why don't you just do what I Anna say, jump or die?

With this movie, everyone, those lustful Old man, every power infused, or fame endow Old Old Old ugly man will tell you...to their entire life span, in that career such as the Washington D.C America, they will tell you....

What are these movies supposes to be about? 

1) Find Love

2) Find Money

3) Find Jobs or D.C participating that final justice. They do not know which justice is that, but they understand you know your homework before you arriving in the D.C. 

Here is your own trial, not even Anna knew that. You as the American, what does that Washington D.C really means? I Anna will tell you, I cannot help you. My vision stop at the host family. I don't really know what they mean by what I told you, but its every word I say here. You can be in that D.C. They say final count down to be in near or close, or anywhere around D.C.

What do you suppose to do as the American citizen?

I really don't know. Your own Television when you grew up. I know Taiwan, but we don't have anything like America? 

Keegan is right now on my facebook.

Get him, see if he talks normal. I have no idea what do you do in America, anything you say democracy. I pretend we have somewhat the democracy, you mean file-ing the logic debates I understand. 

(I think this is the end of the paper reading. )

I cannot see anything else. 

(Back and forth this paper..... )

There is a smurg....cannot see the exactly. I think an ink of logo, in English there is a more formal word. in.....first 2 letter might be "in...." I know the right word if you show me. 

You know that mocking jay? The pandant? 2D flat surface, its a made looking.

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