
I don't have a clear picture, let's say if you saying any of you attempt or talking or reaching with your parents side to this One Wing issue.....

You say:

Some of us have attempt to approach during the phase 1 situation in our overall profile - get to know each other. We are the honor class, or the honor program. But this activity was associate with one person's facebook the overall only the UB vicinity with their UB ID card or the parents in this community or the neighborhood. No one did a particular leadership, so she will settle a several conversation with each other them. 

In this class of the UB Honor Program, we have some of this professional career that people built up upon that last 20 years since the first day we met. 

We got told we have a situation about .... (Each of you find out the date, roughly put it a together says) and each of us did what in our life along this timeline, it will be starting at her UB facebook she did a liver flush, and we have heard some of them are in the medical doctor program. Someone does that on puprose.

We are aware of all that.

We intend to say, none of this love or profanity of the emotional Ph level were our chemistry class, that is Dr. T and Dr. Chambler, they got married long time ago, and they are about to retire. We are not on purpose to including them in this conversation, because that is one person's facebook with just happened, its all the UB Common ID cards, or some UB RA identification along all this classroom activities.

Some of them will add their account here this far. 

We intend to say, everyone graduate the University, at least she didn't think anyone would be that lack back and to the criminal side nature they drop out of the honor class or the honor program including the undergraduate degree. That is WAY tooooo far scary, or something is not usual, so one of us go and find out. Or our parents did find out.

We made a saying with our parents, and some of this UB ID card in the Honor Program to reach our advisor, or to see the current UB advisor, to the overall situation, here we will add our each individual finding in the overall report summary.

1. Your name, you are which program, you reach which supervisor, you approach this issue as ....a returning student, or the honorable award student like your profile says.


There is some other family attire, everyone got hold on, were that some people are staring a lot more the money or the career building, one of this TV drops on us.
This TV name and the movie name are as the follow:

g. Big Hero 6: It ends at the Facebook, her facebook on her current life the current local City Life. Its a pennis on her subway. This story were about a cafe kid to meet up a geek club, and that one of those situation, he survived, the lab all dead and gone. And there are other combat between the good and evil, outside his eating time inside the Cafe with his aunt. We don't actually know he has an aunt. It might be his mother. They run a restaurant business, close to the reality. 
Here is Wing's personal more account at this Phase 2 situation, with some finding or his conclusion over this movie. 

Well, this movie name is : Island (2005)
We probably wish to include her photo. She did the most overall writing, in the highlighter. 

It isn't unusual, but we thought that is a part of the case reason.

In this degree of our career, we find out some of us are really inside a professional jobs. Alone, behind. She doesn't know. 

We need to drop some of this baggage.

Something is a lot more bigger head than what she present us here, or she is not 24 hours a day nothing but typing on her chair jobs.  This entire Phase 1, or Phase 2...we will come to a conclusion or hopefully very soon. With all of their parents be told too. 

And we have decide our leadership in among us, we have some groups, and whom will run this things as the major ligation from this class to each retiree, or the UB current leadership. Some of this things, we wish to see or hope to find, it was a lot more the professional attire will soon be the future.
And that is a lot scary than us to imagine, but we need the professional attire people here, and the literacy that not a drop out high school, one of those. We personally file this per paper works. Here is her stack...
Here is ABCDEFGH profiles stacks. We have someone checking, with some of the score proven in the past, or we inquire something more behind from our own personal efforts or the networks connection. So we reaching.......

So whichever you all decide inside....that leadership.

Phase 2 or Phase 3,....or you redone a whole thing....you just put me on the side as someone handing you a profile. 

Got it?

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