
UB phase 2 human - Why don't you just putting some words down, and go to your friday night. You sorting that movie profile as the indicates, so we derive a conclusion. One of us.

And along that way, to the beginning of our phase 2 this entire UB group activitiy, its the first time, we include some of the SA issues, that also partake some of the movie story, none of us figure it out unless some of them going to meet.

Sometimes people never had a chance to seeing each other a once of a lifetime, and one time meeting its all they hope for with an adult supervision. That gathering is pending. We will be told, if they telling us.



You don't need a TV, you just meant an outing once, you think you gonna have a second seeing that Wing? I already told Wing, what that might be. It may never happen like that, but in 20 years, you don't know what everyone else "mislead", "unsure", "uncertain", "making a commercial success claim"', you mean if your court room has a reason to believe, they walking out of the jail free.

If not the first day you fence behind the jail. 


I think what you should be doing? Which one of you? There is a Big Hero 6+ this, Wing is not like that, and he probably is one of those he doesn't get married type unless.....you hand your bank account every math every digits, with or without your father present, every sorting money by per digit, by per monthly statement, by per.....whichever I told you he is undergoes stress. He is not Tony. But he is Wing. 

Per math, per car, per insurance, per utility, per water, per...... He doesn't sound like that.

Right. That is a cafe kid. He has a very hell of the literacy he will tell you that is the per math done on the table in front of everyone, if that day you show up, everything organize, and he sees it right there himself. 

And if he doesn't know that basic sense of the business, he just smiles, and he hardly talks with his mouth opens. He is the instructional type of the people, so he will understand you perfectly what coming out of your brain that day. I thought, my specifically instruction before your dad, or whichever supervision of you all girls there.....

He will be the main literacy that day.

You finish that one day, everyone goes home.

We finish this UB Honor Class phase 2 activity outing the SA beside activities. Wing sorting that himself whatever he got that day.  He makes a report out of that entire scenery himself. He got that basic brain how he entered the Honor class, I just don't know what is this 48 on his PCAT means.

The day you walking out of that door, it might be a forever goodbye.

You just write yourself a note. "Regret". You didn't prepare that day to get married. We finish right there. So much the faces you all meant, he is the hell of the guy. You have every other choice, you have every other options, you go on your next Friday night venturing, this one Friday, its just in one of those UB staying behind whom Honor Program a sheet. One of them stay behind, or they are on the rotation over this per Friday night out, between the guys including the SA parts.

You can tell them, your name, and your regret. Its just one word over......how much money those TV meant real when you seeing each other 



Different court room time.

Never again to meet.

Got it?

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