
๐Ÿ‘˜ I ? I don't do anything extreme, sometimes listen a bit what other people putting forward. If it is, it is. If it not is, then not is. I didn't have to make on purpose everyone else's life miserable....everyone has to have a career? ๐Ÿ‘˜

That would be the same to the God of all of them too?! 

There is some very in depth people whom are so surpassing their worldly overall power or civilization heighten including the technology, relaxation, the friendship means to them, the climates, the food, the accompany, the family, or upbringing. I would think how I survive a lot more than....imagine everyone is benevolent. That is not how the classify material carried on this far, I am not that naรฏve. 

Do I talk to Shane or I talk to Nicky?

Both? Emergency like about 2 days ago? I talked to them both. I just told you, that is a dog?! 

I didn't really build up a career and starting 2014, I have to start doing something. And each of that moment as if things are display right in front of me, and often you say you don't react on without the preparation. 

To proven right or wrong, its every step the way, we validate the movies, or this position, I know all the movie, or the painting or the real people's name, or the number I put in. A lot of things I personally doing that, I would have known none of that its to ruin on that personal life in general? No matter what, just be mild, and make it through.

Not every single thing its to.....make too hard as a girl.

I look like any guy cannot just come to the face to talk about things? There is a voice memo, there is a video, that is all that they can see.

I would say if you put the tears inside the guy's eyes will sound like you doing something good for yourself, no matter what the volume of the voice sounds like. 

I have heard a few things how the girls having a degree of saying: what the girls ought to be passive....one of those saying, so its not you cry.

Its you think the guys don't act on you being very front confrontation, one of those, and its by the scholarly you saying my side of the Lee, or that is the celebrity in front of my eyes too?

They sent me a 90s of this

You know, there wasn't any parenting before.....while I understood a certain science, I thought its a dimensional difference, meaning the outside Earth to any given light speed traveling, its completely darkness, if not saying on the way to meet up any black holes, not just the gravitation pull. And not just the painting one time, we all having a conversation....this 430 nakes, you gamble its down south or the East.....How concentrate of that looking to that we saying that time?
A discussion ...

Those kinds of the debates endless, all those were before coming back to this UB situation, talking about a lot of the sustain evidence, ET are not the human, you can just forget about it, how you imagine a parenting .....

And there was an OU.

You thought .....First life? Make it !!!!

Just Make it !!!

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