
I personally not sure ....

That is the same Hank, because Tina got a mokie, right at Hank before they saying they are going to get married, and after 8 years, he gains so huge amount of the weight. 

He used to be more vibrant. I don't really know whom that is, there is a green card involved. I cannot tell you at all.

She will NEVER eat an ACE long French bread, how to cut an Avocado America grocery store, nor a small thin cutting board traveling, or those Japanese ABC safer hooked on the top knife.

I mean....apple included, or veganaise....between what if you finding it out, about some reference. I literally just told you, they die. Not traveling, not surviving, not holding God til you live or breath, or you will survive those words no matter what God says, you survive.

That concept its not deep.

I keep saying that. 

If the religion context about, its you all be dead and I still alive, I would. Really.

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