
I want to take out people from this class, then everything is finer. Mr and Mrs Smith, Dean and Hira, Jonathon and Wing.

4 people you taken them out. Away from this classroom, everything is fine.

That movie would be

Mr and Mrs Smith.

Big Hero 6

Mummy, The Day You Found Out, and Twilgiht (Jonathon and Tamang)

Tamang is not in this class. 

Technically, you 4 suppose to have a toooo big of title. If 4 of you sitting in one class, there is nothing gonna happen (The birds so loud, right at the window ) to the rest of us.

Dean MD, Hira MD

Jonathon MD, father Roswell (with the wife and 2 kids)

Wing, PharmD

When Ola is in short and going in that Washington D.C alone, all of you, or one of you will be at Arabic, or starting whichever date...on.


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