
Me and nick made a meditation chair. His project on his own at 1998. He was offering that to his Master that time.

He made a seat before we arrive to Taiwan retreat, we got no access, just got told to land there. He throw away that seat, it of course means to me, so he we purchase the new meditation seat in the Taiwan main ashram retreat. For that Master seat, he probably done 10 kinds, throw away 20 kinds.

I manufacture all materials....the ropes, strips, every surface of all touch-and-felt.  Its throw away already in that Taiwan retreat garbage can.  Let me find if I can see, they can show you...they don't have that seat anymore on their website. There is an engineering part to the back supporting methods. No, not onlilne anymore, you see from their TV. The blanket, and travel meditation bag + sheet+ shoe bags+ one type of those curshion. Looks....really not pleasing. But I will tell you .....those things have every function why that is needed.


Correct, the material science in America is not a very known major. Most are the medicine, IT or chemical engineering, or laws. Most foreign countries have that major because.....those are where the product development center, some those never lacking a job. 

Because...most countries probably have a lot waste generate the trash product catalogs, America operating the entire National policy a little bit different. Their variety are selected. 

Its at ....

The Trash Burnt place, the chemists are those ....the recycling of all residential trash, all the river stream such as Mississippi river pollutant from all the up stream factory to down stream, that causing the dead zone in Mexico Gulp, and one day the oil spills. Those are two different things, one is the factory pollutant, one is the oil pipe breaks underneath the ocean. 

The trash furnace, or not sure the legal words name.....to these process site.

Its similar if a guy like nick has a trailer, that with a hook you buy in Home Depot to hook it behind that SUV, like the weekend Twin goes. Its a jeep, but its a SUV from Lexus, you imagine how a 

1) Hook

2) and a trailer

Park or dragging out, he is the TTC professional driver.

Its to bring the trash of Tony all those with Dimitri, we go to a real dump site, they Canadian have those processing site. All North America has a lot more land, so today, these processing the trash materials, when you saying whom knew these details or how, or capable, or not someone to call in the yellow book....its what the trash or the waste you generate per household.

That will be the National Policy directly from America top, but that was Canadian.

Meaning.....1) Burn away, or 2) bury them on a site. The plastic does not decay. 

There will be something as me, as what I know myself....a lot of things about the evolution, if not just starting a I Robot Vacuum AI machine.

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