
Keanu Reeve side, you mean 26.....their mother and dad, or 19 those? or that is the movie 40 yet to be? The legally blonde actress lady.

Their Zen ....you say to the court and submit also to the Black Ops, they handling all that in the court. How did I get that information?

URL. It was not the vision.

The URL in 2015 my phone, the video URL. Youtube video and image, that time I process in the Watermarke. No, that stuffs I have research on your each story, and that is how I see it....I don't know whom hand me that material. 

Sorry, its 26 cooking here? She is an ABC or 3 meals required microwave?

Her mom and dad has the money saved for her, or she has to work? This is not anything about me and Nicky? 

He is on his facebook, he really talks like that its one thing, he wants to ask me a question. I don't think that is him though. But his representative, or him himself knew that is his tone coming out, do you as the 26, you want to go and participate me and him conversation?

Right now on the faceobok.

I think....he was supposed to talk to me, but it might be anything to do with you too, and they intuitive just putting things one side on that Facebook, and then without telling me, there is this he or his representative talking like that over there comment. 

They process their brain a little bit different, he has been talking about you for a while, so he intuitively thought all I think its you and Keanu Reeves. Its I get mad, or I by pass????

A week.

He talks a lot of things, everywhere ... 


I personally tell you I don't know any of them in their real family background behind. I think most of this kid when they grew up, they have to make their own money, not to get throw to jail one of those. So Shane is one of those pack leadership.

How do those movie script to evolve to those upper family, if were....

There are a lot of the guys, they got aged to, so you saying if you thought those parenting on the very Top, I don't have any parents, the day that Simon or your side Keanu Reeves. Whichever this very cold interface my hands at my PC monitor, there is nothing I feeling good over my head. A lot of this are the external factor. Meaning someone knew every claim I say its per image, per body sensation I being affected at. There is a reason, but....

I personally didn't think of any guy, when I decide to be putting on 2014. I prepare I die for it.

I did.

So the situaiton would be I describe them before, "They entire Black Ops, behind those some unit I personally seen....each base, or just some base got destroyed, or in my equilvalence got told I need to keep running."

American immigration will say those things don't exist.

My claim its everything real per TV image, and they are slow on per image sent to me, they have to compile how many telepathy message to validate all the material as quickly as they can get, and make those saying again over the immigration, the Constitutional against, or the mortality, or the OU. 

I think its I drift over the sea on that piece of wood = Keanu Reeves, I reaching Taiwan similar to 動力火車 I am not sure why Nicky its where that is. But the story its his outfit looking at the current stage in Denmark. The white top, and those pants below. He or they, are examining the water statue, so inside my vision, I leaping away. I am not sure whom they are. 

I think he got something behind hiding, or what is the relief team but what things he got behind him, this is nothing to do with the BTX, or Ireland has anything to do with the one graph I draw, or the site here Harry Potter Train I told them, you stand there until that building crash on me?

Because there is no other way to stop that. 

They are all Irish, Hallie. You probably inside your brain prefer more of the local trillionaire those American Corperate Top, that is what you mean? The grape yard stuffs? I don't know whom that is, your mother's movie. You could just ask her. 

I personally don't have any parenting starting young or after the middle school. Really. So....I cannot tell you why I believe any parent at all, not a word I can say, everything I have to take care of, including their senior care, or the assistant living. 

I am tired, not that I have any much to complain because....Zawanna them show up + the universal police behind them, so their age will be a lot older than me, yeah. 

There were 2 Canadian police or 4. There are 2 on the VS that blue balloon and pink with an eye doctor. 

I don't actually know their age, but they are all taller guy too. One of them I seeing him in the TLC those auction almost look like the current host next by a very old Celine Dion, he looks like Dean but he is fat on the face.

In the hospital too. I arrive to a new room, with a TV. The only access to the outside world when I remote control that. There is a several thing, I can see.

Normally people's life won't decide there is a Grey or the Reptlian, you saying you seeing the TV on running your life, and you bet on the human schedule those cable, or the classified material all intergrated in it. 

I don't really know, so I make my own conclusion because I was told. That time. Wallace things are one of them, and next by its TLC that old auction with the Dean got fat face talking ...you know those garage they go sorting each item and finding a good seller. 

Wallace was at this doctor's ancient Chinese drama. 

What happened behind was a terrible thing, then that time, just go with it. However, the TLC telling me a life, that if you lose everything, as a guy, as I used to live in UB, a lot of that I can see. Maybe I didn't tell the Canadian police, but that is on the TLC. 

Its everywhere I go its a living environment of that neighborhood. Those ordinary citizen in nick's community, some fix those kid's bike for sale on the weekend, you know that? He made a living out of it. His other neighbor. 

Some guys they are using some trailer to pick up those Monday Trash day the steel, and recycle. That is where some money at. You done the recycling jobs enough, not because of the chemistry part, they will be.....the American side would be the mechanic, or some associate of those purchase-and-sale. Mine side will be purely the recycle truck.

Because Taipei

Its not America, our garbage has to process in all the categories. So the chemist job.....has one of that. Its real, under that plastic all cup below, there is a number.  As we grew up, including in the school.




I get used to it all my life, so even while I was in America, I process those, and where Marley leaves, they have that.  I am not sure if everyone required to separate their trash, but I also do that one extra things if I can. Taipei.

1. Like the 3D milk box, the personal size, small. I fold them into flat. 

2. All this TV I show you, how to buy a cheaper 500 ml? That is 500 ml looking to me, the milk tea. 

3. The glass bottle how to wash them and re-used.

4. PV, or PVC, the plastic idea how to re-use them.

5. The shed that cover the rain, installation (the dance group yesterday.....)

6. Foam, its called the bed foam from Wal-mart, but that is not the insulation pink foam from the home depot.

7. Some of that are inflammable, all the American housing its inflammable. Taiwan we are wet here, so we all using the concrete.

8. Nick time Downtown Toronto, they use the brick to burn inside the fire, so all the moisture gone out.

If one day....because that time no one talking to me when I am inside privacy watching that TV. I probably did say a little bit that to the Canadian police if they ask me.

If we lost everything in life, why would it be if we lost everything in life, if the world made so perfect? I guess, that is where I could think or imagine myself since UB 4 block. Those road, its the pick-up steel trailer what nick used to talk about. He talked about, but not in Willis they pass by. He talking talking talking, but I seen them.

In Buffalo near UB.

These are truth I tell you.

Probably everything else its you know how you doing your homework and get. Every guy you have to train them, if you know something, and there is nothing wrong to include that tooo old to die human called nick too. Everyone when they bundle together if under one emergency situation, its not we fighting against each other, or making a lot of the noise on the legal stand, because they are the guys, or some other girls too.

Life didn't have to cause too much hovac. Sometimes just being nice its probably a lot totally fine.

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