
Meaning you want to know if they have the background? So you mean inside the SA? 所以你們想知道背景? 意思在 SA?

No, you go to the main singer, not that background. I don't think so. 


I don't think you understand the main point of this. They are the singer meaning they withstand that pressure or the entire strategic of their company its to gearing towards some financial gain or some publicity over ....."What?" - the music industry to make the money.

我沒有覺得你聽懂我在講哪一個重點廢話,他們是唱歌的意思就是可以承受壓力還有整個計畫自己的公司發行,這其實是關於一種經濟來源或是公眾一種廣播廣告的..."什麼" - 是音樂界的音樂去賺錢 ! 

所以如果假設 ? So if "hypothesize" ( 英文不是用那個假設的字)

反正就是說你們想要有溝通,一對五還是一對一,還是你們在尋找這 SA 裡面的哪個人,因為你們很需要美國那一塊? 我其實並不知道,我也並沒有問過,沒有 ! 

In other words, you mean in that communication its 1 to 5 or 1 on 1, and you are looking for that one person in SA, because you think of the entire domain in America? I don't really know, I have never asked, no.

所以我們什麼都沒有討論? 有呀 ! 但是有時候很模糊過去,所以只有三個字 ...那我會跟 Shane 說

So we never talked about it? Yeah ~!! But sometimes its very blurry blush over, so only 3 words....then I tell Shane. 

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