
Yeah, I tell Shane, I be home, I am happiest. Yeah ! 對 ,我跟他主唱說我在家我最快樂 ...對呀 !

What else do you think we say? 以為我說什麼其他?

I told Kian too (to tell Nicky the same ) 我跟 Kian 也有說就順便給 Nicky

I tell them behind. 我在後面跟他們說

Is that you want to ask me or you wish to know what me and Shane or any one else whom I am talking to at the SA or Westlife, that I didn't tell you which name that is, or the content? I tell the entire people "Good morning, " those voice memo, that is the only conversation we really have.

For real.

就是你們想問我在後面跟主唱 (西城男孩) 或是其他任何一個或是 SA 還是西城男孩,的其中哪一個名字,我講了什麼內容? 我跟所有人說 "早安" 這所有 Voice Memo 就是只有那樣的對話,我們有過 (電話內容對吧 ?)


Only that? 只有那樣?

Yeah ! 對

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