
Nicky and I can talk about, or the whole world can talk about this First Degree love meet-up case such as Wing or Ola (Here is the detail)

No, I never discuss anything outside my work, why they have 2 cents.

Its your both parents' heart. When Tony....with Carla on the second child, he ran away at mid-night, and Nick never says a lot of things, he just stays on the phone or wait up to mid-night, he is at the living room that side with his bed. I am living in Tony's room. I went to sleep. No. we don't have a talk. I don't ask anything to tell you the Truth, so there is nothing to tell you what happened that time.

Your both parents heart is like suspending in the air, and mine heart too. You can say you never have a love, but not in the expense, with first degree murder right on the television to run away home, with a baby, not toddler, and 2 or 3 together to die without 4 of them. They are not that insane, and so are me not insane. 

But what I can tell you Nicky see this Princess Diary, its with him in that case how Nick my side Canada they are entwine. So I gonna describe to you both, you Wing and you Ola 2 different profile, as the far away knowing each other.


She is a little proud of those witch idea. A proud girl that her father or her parents for her good conduct she shapes up in a certain norm, that had some religious background, but she cannot take that. 


As a guy, its very normal to pick up a stick and throw at someone, Ola doesn't know that. I know that. Just like that Coco Club on the street road called the street fight. It does not have to be the underground. Every guy will know that life or imagine that sunshine bright and freedom world, he walks on the street, someone looking at someone does not fit into their eyes, he got warn, or he warning someone similar to Tamang. The guy doing things like that. Not they evolve to like that. Their whole life is nothing but that. Ola cannot take that part of ....because Mat looks like Lee. He is not just picking up a stick to throw at someone's head or back, and there you gonna have a fight on. A real physical fight or a quarrel. 

Some guy have that internal.....what things.

Some guys are more refine. So Ola is a little bit more European, that air where some world of that she will tell you the nobility and the good manner, or some how sitting like sitting, eating with your napkin, or plate this with the prayer are more her sleek of the class. I don't know how long that Mat staying with her, but the white race sometimes, paper thin, book thin, on a certain manner, its "the wind sipping throw the jacket cold, they wither". That is Lee.

They understand what it is. But the Western World people are not the gangster or the gang street on any road. They will tell you that. I will tell you that.

When me and nick together, I will tell you, there is that Plan B. No matter what. If he is not sure, I go and get the plan B. He by now he knows that every and each time.

Now, we don't know any of you. Nick will tell you that is very very stressful, its each month I have to check the period, or he has the schedule book himself. He did.  He writes that. 

One of you if that baby comes, you gonna kill each other. Wing is a little bit lean toward some of those financial sleek building where that Hong Kong was known, I don't know if he gone back, or he knew some parts of that, so Cantonese as we know of, its putting that outfit or the sleek finance money in the mouth all the time. Never the religious practice at the church. Ola might think someone like her for that reason, Wing will tell her, he doesn't like her any of that bit. Its a sleek somewhat metropolitan air, but he got expel, that is why he ends up there for the rest of his life. Each of this location people probably told them, this is where you stay, where you make it.

The metropolitan similar to that ETR Craig Ballantyne. Their downtown, his is at mid-town. You don't hear me saying, that business is not a business. But they make money, right.

You have every other things beside the gay love, or when someone found out, he was exile too. Expel. 

Not spell, expel. 

The guys with some manner will one day all living prove to this getting a norm of the better conduct, that will be the politics. And none of them have that equip, so they got exile, and they got warn either the road sign, that any metropolitan affairs , or love air, or games or play under this much of the material, they will be watching. If they continue to show up on that television and including if they intent to walking one tiny dust near that metropolitan the economic or the business finance, they will see the end of every hell road. 

They both have a very very very bad attitude. 

Each of this guys when they psycho enough to get warn, they will never talk to the girl next by, no matter whom that is. They are not normal, that is why. What that cherish to hold, at that younger age bracket, they need to proven someone very sternly, and that every language is gearing toward that, someone will tell you. it does not work like any of that. I told you they are psycho minded.

This in-lne, yesterday I give everyone's example. Practically its whenever they feel like dragging me, so its my apartment going straight to the airport to whichever the court room, there Pixie will be there, their case, not my cases if my cases just seeeeeeeeeeeing tooooooooooooooooooo many of this garbagge, they know what I see will give some other saying. That is when we sorting in the court. 

When you saying you going intend to the political realm, the friends, the associate, the use of everyone. They use everyone near them. They use them as the bait, they play them like a toy. They got a very very very bad issue. They imagine that is how you success in the business. None of that are true. They hurt someone very badly, they doing everything on purpose, to keep pushing. So this time, I don't know why they got taken out even before the political world age will arrive. Its not that age yet.....but they are set for the rest of their life somewhere else. If they don't hint that warning, to continue.....there is a reason why things ending up like that, don't you agree?

In-line Business

Its every business are inside that Nation. But I separate them. Because me and Pixie is vaccum, I saying that. I give you a book to read on that. The Spiritual Germ - That is in the VS Riahanna.

In the vaccum, its purely they ask me 1 human. They got nobody else. To every word I will speak out of my mouth, you think its tooooo much.....

I speak A

I speak B

I speak a sentence with the writing style of this to Z.

Check mark 3 line on the right side of A, B and Z.

You didn't realize, someone when I say precept first, its every degree of every words don't random gossip about mixing up their eyes sight, to every word coming out of the brain you saying, you think before hands, or you even draft. And they wonder why anyone would have that kind of the precept and discipline, so I say there is a TV says......!

It took me sometimes to get hurt inside included, for sometime pass....I start to working on this damn UB case on the map. Its not their job I guess.....

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