
Quan Yin Methods is a method, you guys are the prayers saying to the Fire Department if you make a wishful list without the desire inside the meditation

Someone walking in, your own home, any wishful list? 


I think I probably over-sleeps a little bit, but that 10 years I need the meditation I will tell you, true. That is 2 hours and half a day. Weekend its the group meditation, the Retreat is 24 hours a day.

But every single day you practice the 5 names on your daily act, think, and more manual jobs to keep your mind steady on those moment if you are not in the Quan Yin Methods's method, just walking, acting, cleaning, house chore. Its the same 5000 years ago, its the same 100,000 years old the same instruction idea. 

The modern time, you need to be a lot more secure in your money, so you go to the school, and you ensure you have a career, you meditate like I given a brand new album, that is for relaxation, not really......anymore Future gonna come.

They all learning the spirituality, but it will be a lot more you understand per word, per act, per mature evolve, because most of them will ending up in the jail, those either dead or still go to the hell if they die.

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