
The cellular body in today our concept to where the bio lab defines, it will be basically a procedure you can identify, or then exams. So those labs of each of this bio sphere are assign to a particular techniques.

For saying that again, how do you create a human body with your parents on the top ....I think that is redundant to say why you don't wish to have a parents to begin another existence of the civilization all by yourself move over there.

You have a method to isolate, that is a technique.

You have a method to identify, no, that is an instrument. Someone built on it, you purchase, so your eyes can see with or without the eye glasses. The eye lash touching that lens. 

Those are all part of the lab inside, when you saying the science field, someone working in the day-to-day lab, what do you understand why you even have to have a lab. You have to make a sense why you using a space to generate? 

A result.

All the scientific procedure ending talk will have to have a result, you write that down in a report, or you saying that our Earth scientific definition its starting from the control groups and the experimental groups to define some of the basic definition because you can observe or knowing that results it is a real fact. Such as an ice can melt inside that lab room temperature, that temperature its always hanging in the chemistry lab. Your TA which are mostly the PhD student, they have to work with another TA to grade your papers or the lab, right...but they didn't tell you, when the students walking into each of this UB NSC chemistry lab, there is a thermometer on the wall somewhere, those what you saying a lot of this standard pressure or the standard temperature, its given to you. There is a room temperature here 25 Celsius. 

In the bio lab, you have this incubator, growing the germ at. Its called the e-coli. The most understandble the harvesting colony. In the vitro study. At least they will tell you that, I will tell you that. When you close that incubator, there is a temperature on that entire ...."incubator space with the lid on", inside that temperature has to go with your lab leadership he knew why they are being harvest inside, not all dead inside. Its just a open and close I think a basic somewhere they harvest their e-coli. I don't remember actually....I think its like a freezer those looking? 

You don't take that thing out of the incubator to grow the e-coli. You put the e-coli inside that incubator to be growing by themselves inside. That is a basic understanding, you are harvesting something there. Its alive.

... ... I am very sure you are all very manual and applausible all this details after the incubaor step, its someone hand it to you probably. 

Every temperature related causes, its in the chemistry. Correct. Ideal gas formula, us here on the Earth. Not outside...apparently everyone has to check their own incubator just about every world, really. 

On the ground pressure, its our Earth definition in SI. We are ....defined as at the sea level. Not that much difference base upon the altitude. Inside the basin or just tiny mounted soil, or you saying second floor of the building. Not that much difference. 

We called it here the atmospheric pressure. Because how that was defined....in the SI at the very beginning time, its we know it as the Earth science.

What if its not our Earth science, you mean in the Space Ship?

You are not floating, that is one science, we don't have really in NASA here.

If what? The e-coli colony all dead, ......

....Is this Flower Thousand Bones? I don't see why. Because you cannot have PCR at all here. Right from the beginning. You will find out very early on. Or I forget.....its just a procedure you carried through? Until the West gel? One of those name its like 25 years ago I don't remember clearly. 

uh ....no, the essence of why you even have a PCR ....why you define that as the West gel if I remember its an image being seen, that is a protein why that technique are used to isolate that thing out? 

Your biology dogma. I told you I forget. 

... ... all the technique are a reason itself.

Our lab, sorry, Dr. Bing's lab apparently I only had one project one time. I only see how many a real powerpoint slide over a few things they debate, my English was almost close to zero, they use the words vector. Its a circle. Those are all DNA apparently in my knowledge. 

Why you have that, or why you imagine you starting that? I would put that in English.

You have a PCR to start.

Maybe you start to know why they use E-coli, right.

There is our evolution here on a planet that is defined we .....up to a certain species, our blood content.....it would be that is a bio stuffs, so we never say its on either one of us skin. That saying. 

That is the reason they use e-coli?


Are you sure?


I have a cell theory went to Russian, over that waste heat in physics, its not measurable....one of those, you can ask the Russian.

That is a cell theory?

... you reading the Sailor moon like they are? The private institution, the public sector of the research ground, the University academic and governmental establishment, that is not included to the military behind, or the militant, or the black ops, including those affiliate to the hospitals, the research complex ground, if not floored.

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