
There are some sickness internal, to that height of yours, like a dwarf, short is one thing, dwarf is another....you know yourself?

That must be very offending all these 30 years you becoming too popular. 

How does this Nicky becoming....that Star Light Thin tall neck up? You mean you watching MIB 2, the correct Golden Cobra is not the MIB 1, you mean not Sariputra bothering you? 

Its small tiny Square black looks to you, one toss, one orbits out of the south pole and while that Earth quietly rotate without a sound, not even one human will find out....disappear out of your future destiny? Tell me....what you fear the most, its not yet coming. All these tooooo popular yet to be?

What a big year with that middleton, how 2 legs + 3 guys, tell me....one Queen how much right she forever has?

As long as.....?

And tell me, that very day, her father didn't know.....shi, was on TV.

You got a dad? If not the ghosty right?

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