
You should know better, what those things are.....shi...your eternity its you open your mouth, or mute, or saying the modern marvelous methods helps you, how each will end up....



Every human can just live a fake scene til all debts be paid as if that life will never arrived, the forever or the eternity of it. They are 歷歷在眼前呀 !!!

You want anyone listening to your mouthful talk, only the girls will....like I say, that many eternity ago, someone whom knew everything, that I know alone......Look at this Mummy, look at this Tamang, do you remember?

Do you remember?


Tell me do you remember?

You say, the court no one hears, no one helping you anything as long as you are mute, as long as you numb.....you think you bet on each between me or you, whom didn't looooooong evolution enough to know every trace of thought, to that every alibi....its every court room starting every paper overthrow, over turn, this Earth will start what....?! (cover my ear)

Tell me, what?

So many privacy protect, one Harry Potter, not laughing out of the human teeth, you say? in Chinese, right? 越南小尼姑!

You didn't think that will be real, I am telling you, every alibi must be righteous that Bible saying one word, and every court must conduct that every ruling must be the correct order of all things, every scum methods like you yourself forgotton your key, that day if you are drunk, and most this started, will tell you....they start at their youth, younger.....eyeing to purchase on every eraser, every stealing act on the bookstore, or every vendor's market, or indeed, outbound to the school every boundary line, and that every boundary line, I always say.....where that Tamang shouldn't be at the wood forest line.

But in the modern civilization just meant he stays with the hospital wing. 

The chance with those people, whom....let me rephrase how to forgotton your key to commit a crime + their teammates together and he or she on purpose to lose the key so the police will come...you bet on every human evil eyes are those whom meant doing things, was only the lower scale of every evolution.

To that just barring down the crime of the lower bracket, because in Taiwan, we have a job website 104. But really, you need its the phone booth.

You know what I mean? 


You know what I say to the president here in Taiwan, because she is a female lawyer, before any president can be the president, they allllllll have to be the law degree graduate human. Everyone knew that. 

Tell me why he thinks he would be dead? 大頭 Mahakasyapa

Maybe I rephrase yesterday I say in Chinese.

Sometimes, people have a different saying, not just the claim. Meaning how to describe something and I = honorable superior declines all.

So the next best person to go to, its that female president, or China Top leadership President Xi. In that way, no one get confused, we are all separated, but the things were that.....you don't really know why you going to him or her, isn't it?

To me its not a puzzle, for me its I look at the same monitor everyone or you yourself looking at it. You want her, personally handle all your problems, every problem you say you wish she will help you to that justice name because she is the president, she is the lawyer.

That is not how I explain to them yesterday. Today I explain to you.

Right? You want to asking for the justice. That fair and justice similar to the Bible says.

You want to ask me, not her

Now its her not me = The guys yelling at me because I throw my shoes everywhere in our common share quarter, and he kinds of just in the bad mood. He is not happy with my relationship, I come home late. I seeing that in Eben's DVD, not CD. Its a DVD case. I know whom Eben Pagan is, he is next by that Lalla. Are they together? That remind me of .....sometimes we have a holiday, more than one holiday in America, we think of the death.

To honorary to our ancestor. Anna were at a graveyard with her brother. I don't really know them. I am near by the financee girl, me and my guy are not the most immediately thing my father wish me to ever talked about it anymore, or he is not stern but I am in fear he gonna throw people out and sell that house. That is my bed. 

no ......I am telling you the exactly everything you ought to be doing, because if you listing 100 of this type of things and telling the President in those email, sent to the white house, or in person Taiwan they are where + the police, you keep talking about it, you find your help !!!

You will first not agitate anymore.

You will feel that stress you pretending to be someone else is not there.

You don't have to lower yourself dignity anymore.

You can utter your mouthful jobs anywhere, any time, in any coffee table including all the girls' outing, with that SMCH someone says she is rich. My money. 

You can get near the Judge because you start to be less agitate, you start to focus on something else you do in your life, you always have a backup road, you used to think of. Because the money does not last forever....Your memory is not going to last whichever your life span gonna be, really. You cannot understand what the movie says, no one knows?!

You often forgotten like your lower IQ grade starting at the school, you need to get out or be found every single time on that transcript, every teacher knows I am bad. 

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