
他們吃的飽的意思 ? They can feel full while eating just that?

Taiwan Youtuber 

+ cucumber, small tomato washing finished, and one avocado

黃瓜切切切 + 小番茄 洗好 + 一個 avocado 


If you just prepare in the hotel, some cutting jobs + some washing jobs + cutting marinated jobs, you mean a container seal such as Balsamic Vinegar.  Taiwan people doesn't eat that but the foreigner if you open your box to smell that fragment....

如果你們在飯店準備好一些切的動作 + 洗的一些動作 + 醃東西的動作,那種關的很緊的盒子像說台灣不吃 balsamic vinegar 但是國外的人你吃那種準備好的打開香氣......

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