
When I was a kid, a kid me.....Sailor moon is one of the comic book.


I don't think that is the guys told me that.

I tell everyone you are very very sure about this TV purpose its exactly like the TV means, or somehow whom you decide, or if you have the friends, you knowing you gamble continue with this. Including getting out of the American Medical Board program, if that is real on you?

You cannot.

In few years, you read again what I say. Starting the day 1 I am telling you. All of your brain getting things wrong A to Z, all of you. 

Its the fitness

Its the military domination only, the world flags, that is how the outside capable, and we are....capable on the American side, or every side. Learn to walk straight, walk right, acting normal.

None of you walking normal. Considering if they showing it up one day, someone will tell you, everything its wrong, they mean real, you meant a cartoon? A children's cartoon format on the women's warriors tales. Its not true.


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