
I think you all trying to sound like inside your mind, you are positive over your own TV or movie, one of those things.


My psychi space is a literally I seeing things. Not toooooo far away people but let's say in my own field, this Earth type of the occupation in the science. I mention some of the words. Our space and time are not the same. I mention the ID card access the building, trespassing all of them are some very highly brain IQ, and literacy it will never get things wrong a very scientific measurement of every process - they will get fired if they do that. And when they get hired, their language or the attire, or the posture are very very very very normal people.


I seeing this peripheral very very very often if not dwell in science, it will be inside my own sphere, other than them. Correct, not always on them....but I mention and repeat those things, not dreamy. 




Literally does not back down that argument, you saying "You are being sooooooo nice and warm?"

A lot of the monetization of these people are - the male domination worlds.

A very normal, all of them. Has to be a mature talk, knowing the talk, just like you going near by any celebrity, the same. Everyone of them having a profession, a professional look.

Stand, walk, talk, literally bringing an argument. Or how you persuade your thesis, or how you make a point on the chalk board, or anything ...you saying how to draw a map.

The line and square.

Some people if they are aware of their own independence living. I will tell you, everyone arriving a certain age landmark, what they suppose to all looks like. In America, some of those race are very tall guy. 

I probably trying to tell you behaving normal about gazillion times I keep saying it. Talk, eat, sleep, get up, health check up, reading about it, improve somewhat, learn about it, be normal. 

Some of this guy will keep the shape, some hidden one as the Age is having this Internet all over talks or people talk to each other to slim down the weight, its every day efforts in.

I didn't think the weight its an issue, but other than that, none of you to me looks normal.

That is why every job has an interview process, and they are the ones get the jobs, I think........If that is every day I am staring at myself inside my own space and time. Although I am not going outside, Taiwan is far away from each all, technically....I probably meant more again this....

Talk normal

Look normal

Dress normal

Eat and drink normal

Reading English normal

Speaking a language like you going on the interviews at your own jobs.

Everyone looks the same like that, the ID trespassing building, I keep saying it. 

None of them are daddy, mommy talk nor sibling. 

I don't really know how to say those things anymore. If you staring at your own professor, maybe that is a good start.... right.

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