
You as a girl, how old are you now ?! should be 26 I was 30/31, you will be 35?

Both them I think similar age? If you just find one of the guys, whichever this entertainment inside, a real commander, not commander-in-chef, that will be...Current American President: Joe Biden. He is the real commander-in-chef. Your language, your tone of getting which jobs, you make yourself a job, an education, a major, a certificate. Whichever this TV behavior science, and prove it, that is what you really seeing it, per saying, per validate fact,....

You don't want to do this online public running around thing, you going near with your parents connection, one of those hidden guys, they will find out whom is one of those lieutenant, you going near to learn every word, or seeing them, or like them, or dress better, or look out better, more according to your national policy, there is a reason, and not be afraid, and starting to say hi? 

I didn't understand the news before, and now I am understood those news now? With your parents connection. Because, as I Anna stated so many things of this may not be true.

1) The American Medical board if not the Earth International Medical Board, or the European Medical Board.

2) The American military /Black Ops

3) Law Board, The international Law Board

To go forth the combination of Chemistry all environmental regulating agency side by what the combinational name to which year on Earth, there is a miracle. You don't think those adjacent a near by concubines' story are fine? There is no harm to it. 

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