
You didn't really meant that you wanting to give everyone supports, but I am saying to you, sometimes that is not a such bad idea. Because you all might be really really going to Washington D.C without me.

For some reason, I always not needed to present anywhere because you are all very very sabotage by me. They willing to put you all each of you, separately, meaning each you will be in those long table of someone's home to be meeting up with someone. Alone. All by yourself. 

For sure its "without me". 

What they gonna make you do?

I think?! 

Each of you will ending up....not sure which piece of paper I can find.

The scene I saw its a family home, every American President they know what that supposes to look like, I say it looks like Princess Diary one of those long table, meaning a lot of the people all in the seat to eat a meal together. Almost like "Meet the Parents", that man is a FBI. 


You all UB might be have a lot of those showing up to do, if you just inquire soon enough, not having me to hold the lines everywhere from here.

These long table, you might be seeing these very chulby fat women, some are women, or with the eye glasses, they will listen to you, or your whine, or anything that brought you to Washington D.C.

Meaning they first hand, to hear your suffering, probably by me. One of those saying beside the movie or the TV lessons. You need to literally telling them or craft them a story, that they can understand why you ending up iin the Washington D.C.

I am a little bit different if I have to do those things. If I am with Westlife, I probably just meant, the guys they doing things they say they are, I just be near by. I don't need to mingle, or open my mouth even. That is their own agenda if they ending up there as a group with that Brian included. 

I didn't really see that, on my side.

I see all of your side. You don't look like to becoming a couple at all. You can show up together as the classmate to somewhere this moving around scene, because each of you....

(any paper back or forth....of this saying...)

You sometimes will see your UB classmate these movie involved, but they probably prefer you know why you ending up in the Washington D.C if they ask you to do a several things, so you


each of you should be on your own, be on that separate of housing, or location or their assign this "host family", if just the guest place to eat a meal. Funny....its always eating a meal with different people. Just like the Princess Diary, you are the guest, not the host.

(....and what for)

I think its the women, I keep seeing, the thin or chulby....with the literacy and eye glasses can listen to you, or write something down for you. So you literally have to be capable telling you the suffering how far it meant to you all this TV, with or without me Anna's material.

I think Nicky knows what I intend to say, as I am always without present, everyone knows I am there.  They want to hear things about you. You or your brother or your family. Your parents, your friends....or mostly your family that means to you, because they can see your figure, your talk, your language tone, your family means to you the most. 

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