
You gain a lot of the weight?


You know every collection of the current Space Ship are all the military uniform. ALL uniform, all this Pa or grand great Pa, any kinds of the human or not human looking all have a standard of that the universal language will soon be replaced that flag means.

Not literally the coutnry disppear.

Its only the military iconic all words speaking the forms of the that symbol, or the domination of the presentation or the manipulation or the literacy how you arriving those roles fitting in, on Earth its 194 countries, you can start with one American military. 

I probably trying to say....a certain things they wasn't lying about it. 

Do they say Arsuri? Ar su ri, Arh suri ....Azure?


Chinese this King?

The Ancient Chinese history one of those, combine to the TV, or the classified material?


They all works together I think, you can tell that. In all that scene, they need to, no matter how that makes sound like its a lot of the division. In the true reality I don't know. But correct, without that Queen, at those Age of Time, back then how they selecting the Queen to that one nation must be .....a background family in that one of the 8 flags. Including the later on when this entire Dynasty going to diminishing before the democracy world happens.

The level of each women's behind are some rules of that family background or the father its whom what, known in all throughout the Ancient Chinese. To this one particular King.

乾隆 (Here TV, her father close the gate of the Western missionary groups from Europe.)


咸豐  This King has a concubine, later becoming a very known 3 generation Above the Son or step-son King. She is not the original Queen position but she was under the 8 flags. She later comes to the Power.



宣統 (3 years)

Its in my elementary school dictionary ....I read these books of their internal some of the history, they put not in the comic book format, but with some of their hair style of the Chi dynasty overall look. I read a lot of books in the grade school, outside the school.

Similar idea ....not really that Cleopatra, but....she was in Power. The Era is totally different. Already after the 18th century the industrial revolution in the all sphere of the Western world.

So what happened if they close the gate?

Well....the opium war is one of them and Treaty, 8 Countries from the Western worlds canon opens up that all portal sea gates of that one China. They occupy those sea ports with the modern weapons.  

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