
You girls are very extreme, I used to say that. Tina Jojo this if her mood is good that day, VOLA morning "I MISSSSSS YOU SO SO SOOOOOOO Much!"

She needs Hank to drive her to the massagist place.

Have you thought one day if the guy and the girl switch the role, I would have told you, that is humiliating....felt. You trying to say which leadership were just trying out, in the man's world, if you can rise up to some degree, you will tell me, no one thought about some higher sphere of the civilization you wishing others well + the monetization scheme in whichever magnitude of  100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

In Life, if you just schooling right with your every textbook. Until you really be dead it will be SOOOOOO long after your parents, you are not sure if the open galaxy you will continue this life time course works.

Not every guy is made of the leadership. I saying that, am I?

There are Mike, Ayo and Jonathon at least 3 you heard.

💔👗👘Your tone is not right

1) I remember something about ..... 2) I thought the movie means .....3) No I heard what she says 2014 up to now. 4) This is what I thought I heard. 5) No, I don't think Fallacy means what, but she did write out. 6) No, we don't know Eric. 7) No, we are finding it out now. 8) No, he didn't tell us directly we are wrong if there is a Fallacy means or not means, he supposes to disclose to all of us. 

💔👗👘 Your language is not proficient.

1) oh~ I didn't think I write for you, where is your secretary Courney or Wendy I heard your name?

2) I thought Karen is the leadership on the Linkedin, the on-line protocol.

3) I have the doubts.

4) The benefits of the the doubts.

5) You mean line and dot, not the line and square but I am trying to make a sense from my personal belief, I have the religious belief. Here are....The ceremonial of the breaking the small bread and grape juice. Maybe that is what it means needed the most or else Prince William they imply you its Roman Catholic. 

6) Maybe she means Orthrodox, even a foreigner agency knows that. 

💔👗👘Your motivie is very very selfish. You might even admit that yourself, they 3 means if the movie insist keep producing, that is the humanity reason, not you yourself reason. Sorry, they are the guys. With a Y.

1) I don't think today those participant were not my stuffs to claim any belief system.

2) I change my mind. No, its between me and the Judge, me and her, me and whom....Dean included.

3) No, she didn't say whom, I suspect.

4) I guess

5) No, I didn't write all the things down, she talks so much or write so much. 

6) No, you suppose to file what you know. I file mine, we see each other at the court.

7) No, the classmate are the cold nature its always been. 

8) I know exactly what it means. 

9) Somewhere over the rainbow..........

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