
You think there is a War, there will be 3000 not broom 2000. So you think its everyone got jailed, you don't know how to find out, you hear everything like that.

I talk to individual

Individual ( 0:04 )


Hira ( 1:11 )


Ola ( 10:37 )


Dean (2:10)


O-Town, NSYNC, Linkedin, Google image directory, your own duplicated name.

Bill  (2:51)


Jonathon 許凱 (1:30)


Facebook (1:18) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_6Yc1xQrDbMWi7wfaOcyZEl2-ujPnimv/view?usp=sharing

Mummy and UB lists of the video (Black Ops, whom are coming to find a doctor) (1:48)


Wing (7:52)

Why don't you just transcript like that Adam did for Hailey, not in Chinese, but in English, this entire 7:52 in English per word typing them out, and print it out, Wing?



Fatima (3:10)



Patrick (6:46)


System Lawsuit over, anything after the state university, unless you are the upper class of the family whom can provide the financial reason for the education, the kids going home and die. No reason to believe any given time, you accumulate debts you kidnapping the government, so saying you producing the kids.

So one side of this lawsuit, you can just say, it stops there, and Anna meets Nick its outside the System talk over this. Unless they gonna prepare of something "Human genome" project, meaning producing the human race over that every guy, every reasoning, they got very very very very very stress to have a kid.

Unless the following circumstance you don't have the kid.

1) Your service to humanity its one you, 8 billions people + a future, you don't require to produce the kid.

2) Kinda of like Westlife, they need to keep the hair, they have the money, they have the service to humanity also in the large scale.

These two types of the people didn't require to producing kids, such as that Jonathon, and they need to provide, or being leash to go on these kids' education like a mature parenting reason they exist, never those UB college talk.

Alice (8:46)


Zac (Harry Potter)  (11:14)


O-town that braid hair guy (7:03)


You need to get up and do things okay? I am not sure you getting near anyone in that class, because you are very singular, when you does that braid hair, you look like?

Jack Sparrow.

Try to talking to that Jonas those a little bit showing up their IQ greek groups. If you all don't get up all the guys suppose to be? That local military will not safeguarding you, meaning the entire upper bracket of O-Town, NSYNC, SA.

They will use that, to get rid of all of you, by the Corperation method.

Everyday starting 10 mins voice memo, to 1 hour working it out, 

Listen to every word I say.

Brian (10:17)


I got cut off at 8:37 The leadership, whomever saying that from my page, the taller guy leadership? 

To be a leader?

oh ~!!!

When I am one of these seating such as like a throne idea, I talked to the people before you, Brian, I say....the police force or the survillence to almost every dominate factor, because that is including the Universal Police, and I even show you in the Pinterest. If you literally live a life, jump, flip, and bounce, so that every attended moment, its.....They are God, and the throne seats its

1. They say talk, you talk like the MD, and really becoming a MD.

2. They say sing, you sing like a pop star, and collecting your fan.

3. They say mesmerize to the girls', and fishing out all the alibi, you doing so....

or else.....its 1 to zillion you say why they are the Universal, I am one only.....the only one...that seat, and that is half means. 

This is Nicky Byrne, he comment too many people I talking to on this page,.....that a scenario. Well, I don't really know how the local mentality, you all wishing your near by the taller guys well, and none of you wishing that circumstance happening to you, whichever before you Brian audio you heard all that. 


You know what I mean, you all finding it out, you all finding it out you settle your temperament by having this Youtube clips you seeing a lot of the man or the guys, seriously just got married to a girl doesn't know how to cook included, and produce a kid. The human genome project.

Because the American Medical Board makes a such big fuss over this my profile again = they = they are= they are the Universal, that is everyone of them attitude. Its my regent, its World Peace, one of those.

You all can just sitting down, or close to that circle of American Medical Board, you talking literally like your father would talk for you, you seeking a love, if that is included, after you sorting their profile, blame, or blaming....you ask, "We have a lot of the taller guys here without those options, not really. But Anna saying too many things I got scared, and I am not the fatherly type of the father. I wish to stay as the boy, to save my money."

You ask the rest of that story....

"I was thinking....I am getting near by today."

Next month, "Hi, I written some thesis over if I imagine a book or the money to rich wealthness....by the way, Anna a month ago pushing me something, it was my rebelliation I am not ready, I don't like any of the class girl."

2 days, "Hi, me again. Today I need to call in to leave a message. No, not particular reason. Anna says just copy and paste to sound like literally cared, you all putting this big formation on the map, with all of us. I participate to make you feeling a lot better. Not me personally."

1 week, "Hi, you have one of those Eben software, you think he really enclose to the system talk, that is barbarian."

2 weeks later, "hi, I myself learning these 1 month database, its Anna says that Erin did, we never get to be this motivated over my family expense, and capable to imagine...any of this Youtube clips, some guy heard there is a kid on the way. Anna says she watched whom? More than one guy faint right in the swimming pool. She says, this sounds fishy, every guy didn't want to produce a  kid?" 

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