
You want to go and tell your mother ? "Anna wants me to tell you something. Is you and dad whom got the money statues when you first producing the family kids? She got the whole packs of the guys inside one room."

"She keep saying it one UB only....that is the Honor Program + APO + CAC + Chess club + some SA people I walking pass by in the movie, but....some human guys they talk behind, meaning she was in SMCH groups, that is one full Toronto center groups. They have more girls whom coming to meditate, but the people whom really doing things more, its between and among several guys, they were 10 years+6 away from that Quan Yin methods ready to die too....They were the immigrant to Canada, Anna doesn't know if they got money, many will be dying on the street I guess if the job does not hold up. They are the refugee. "

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