
Your democracy given you a chance to literally.....with that IQ development, less than the Ape for Tomorrow those behavior.

Even if the birds I tell them to shut up, they shut up !!! Not every two second you wave your arm, or fist, no one can see you doing anything. 

You sit with your attire.

You talk like you address to that incident, or the entire scope of the circustance.

You move your chair near whichever groups to talk, including the guys or the girls, the taller or the fatter guys.

Your address your own professional outfit, and the attitude, or the nervous-wreck how to literally straight out your sentence per act. meaning with your mouthful jobs to get things. Use your IQ clearly per statement, per paragraph, per literally, coming out of your brain. NOT COPY and plagiarism. 

You feeling good to go outside dance, then go and dance, not limited to Backstreet Boy's song! A lot of things you really think someone else making their own money every direction different like I care about a lot of the enimecity you really imagine a lot of the disharmony some meant I know my words, or I know my degree of talking.

You are your own English native speaker ....

You speaking English....

Meaning by per sound, per word, per which vocabulary they talking IN ENGLISH and your own listening to the English part, its your K1-K12 at least basically you know all the words in it.

Priesthood - Your getting married tense.

I am not sure its more of the exotic traveler clothing human not limited to the renounced words internal practices for saying which the Eon after the Eon or the Kalpa after the Kalpa, before......

You get your one-life time, or the forever marriage vow like I say its a legal contract. The marriage certificate its a contract. There are things on the movie just newly developed. That Square does things with Lilly over that restaurant front photo its directly to the church. 

I am sure at this moment, you can just go to your local church, or bell sound....one of those grand hotel ceremony.  I personally don't care about it. I can tell you the marriage certificate its a contract, that is all I can say to you. 

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