
Sariputra's mother has a certain power, not every 2 seconds calling her handicap. I can call her that, not any of you calling her that.

Your proper attire to those upper family included, not just to your own very president. imagine your own flag of the president knows what you look like, sound like, if not alone from your own parents. What kind of the manner you all ending up or dress fashion at. 

The religious sangha assembly, its forever last line you all already know. On Earth you won't require to find out other than through your Mr. President knowing what the classify material mean in life, not just the Upper Class you use the money to validate that person's worth, once the court room 

get rids of this OU Medical profession, Pharmaceutical profession + IT Silicon Valley + Laws & reinforcement, or any of this Special Work Force including the Military Aviation + all sort of the experty people's wealth they accumulated under this democracy means, that they rise up their education, in the next 40 years, to that every validating Flower Thousand Bones, I say I am, I say the time-to-be, the environmental you keep mouthful imagination what the democracy under....not willing to bend, including your own very language. 

The time of old age will come, your bent will naturally curve, too heavy constructional ditch jobs, or the waiter's job...all those financial burden didn't make you a lot more humility running deep person. 

You polishing your talking skill or your mouthful jobs, including watching the 小福小善 small prosperity small kindness forward society construct TED , that is entirely you trying to get up your own presentation art. You are not required to do so, any of this Voice Memo as if I have to talk to the girl side or the guy side.

That person... that classmate, or anything I address to my own personal space, that is entirely that one person I knew or I say hallo before, how we have know each other. None of you required to know why it has happened, that any conversation sound like I really know that person, or we just barely talk. That is entirely my business. 


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