
A trial means you put someone on a stand. Like they say about the classified material. Mine material it’s a discussion, I have no idea what to do.

So I go to a judge?

True ! Even without a defendant. 

Because I had a science that’s an independent research, I can show up every so often a video or a statement. But we are involved a classified material, I cannot watch it. But 2 days ago, I hear the Chinese narrative for 90s cartoon about this author. To this court room, it’s the advancement of the science involved with the classified material.

You don’t have a work, you saying the marriage law at the 4 points frames open or close case. 

I have a multiple invention to my own signature? A very visible signature like my look and my style? I didn’t go to the lab direction I had a bf and you want to look what he looks like? You all don’t make a sense ? He is a witness even Connie saw it with the rest of them. 

Lawsuit 702


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