
Anatomy and Physiology, the physiology is where you build up the entire body. So when I saying to you...

I took the anatomy in UB the summer class. I didn't take the physiology, but my works are in the biology side, not limited to the human? So before I write a book, I don't know what I inventing? I already gone to Dr. Bing Shen, I already done the City of Hope presentation. I don't forget. But later I doing this curezone protocol, you saying a detox situation, to improve my health, I don't know what they say, or just following every protocol? You have only one kind of the overall system. That is the protocol.

Its the same if you just copy the entire library books. You learning something outside the classroom, but if you research each textbook inside the book, not in one semester, you done in 10 years one library, you know every words in the textbook, you just key-in these textbook words to the library catalog to searching for an article or the online animation or the library book to learn more about that word in English.

You are the native English speaker, so it might be a situation inside the body.

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