
Anatomy and Physiology

This must be interesting, how you really meant it....we are not the same age right? Your pa or your warehouse you? You don't have a table to write? You coming here for the anatomy or the physiology class? You don't have a regular medical school class?

Every human seeing, believing it, humanoid symmetry being, having a bilateral definition

These are having the skeleton, how you define your have a vertical structure side way, full views in front of the viewer. So when you having this anterior or posterior in describing how you perceive a body, you always knew and very very very 1000% sure and certain that is a standing structure you are defining these words in English.

That's say we say median plane, a lot of the Medical App somewhere must have all these words, that entire reason you got to be sure that is the anatomy class. 

You turn the body has this lateral view or the anterior view.

But when you describing to your patients including, that would be if your palm or finger poking that chest, and if the camera its at the lateral side of the back spine and chest, 

Posterior or Anterior

(Dorsal, or Ventral ) At least to your own very language, those are one of those minor details you have to memorize the words or the vocabulary, for me, English is not the most intuitive saying the American native speaker. 

But all these, must have equip that body, or any body with a skeleton to stand up, meaning exactly 206 bones inside there like the must human we will tell you, that is literally a body that consist of 206 bones, no matter what.

Question: if without the skeleton, you don't have this term?

Before the God or the human made, or the eternal you never seen a human has a skeleton, for saying those terms never invented.  Because in one of those phrase you will say, its the "anterior view", you have a physical human keep rotating on the front peripheral. And for any chiropractor, that is a plane, then there is a surface structure to apply force. If you are just the mushy up the blood and flesh, without the bones. Technically....its a deform statue in our current modern world. 

When you bent your elbow, is that break the bones?

No upper away from the elbow, or the down below the elbow, the hit point in the middle of the these upper arm and the lower arm. That is one full bone got break in half. Not at the joint, no.

But they are separate of?

Ligament or the muscle or tendon is a part of the structure over there.

Elbow ( I touch touch), no, its the bone itself of course its the bone itself. No, you don't go break the joint. I thought you are looking at your diagram. Touch it.

If ㄠ someone, in the TA office

You will pain like a hell, so you know ...that is not a bone.

How about you don't learn that, some intuitive idea where to look at the skeleton, and where to apply the force's field anyway? 


When you saying a structural science, or the structural human body, you define something in the space as the objective universe, we are alive. Moving, breathing, thinking.

Again. Moving in the space.

Breathing in the space.

Thinking in the space (I mean on the ground).

I think I need to go doing something else in the morning. 

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