

Wing is not a MD. It has to have a MD for any case to take in. This is a free will choice in the career itself. I told Wing to go to the Pharmacy school. Unless he told me he regrets.

Draw a straight line phase 3 But a curve line above that straight line “if” You say Wing is for sure it’s the same path me and him used to know. I may not but he is. The Pharm D, no he will not be a MD. You disassociate this movie with all of them - not patience statues, not field trips on site. Meaning be there. Might the MD psychiatrist. No, not Wing. You say side by Lalla is Eben  No major possible the consumer psychology. It’s MD psychiatrist.

American I don’t think they eat fishes that much - nick is a vegan. Meaning even Jesus is not in the middle of all this the fish man story it’s at Ireland.  Let’s say I am care taker both nick and my mother, none of this is MD psychiatrist - that one Tina Jojo, there is nothing close in this batch of any people. Not the cancer, the psychiatrist!

A PhD and a MD

Is Lee a real Ph.D? So Wing is a real Pharm D if are. You have Jonas a real Ph.D, and Dean is a real or a fake MD? ...you assemble.

Jonas Chemistry Ph.D replace Dr. T

Lee Solomon, Bio chemistry replace Dr. Bing Shen

Wing replace Kim in APO. I am not sure if she make it. She was a Pharm student.

Dr. T's wife is Dr. Ester, she is a White House President Cabinet near by. She design that heart pace maker. I don't really know if she is a MD, but she was a Ph.D.
Vanadium: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Practical Applications / Edition 1, by Alan S. Tracey, Gail R. Willsky, Esther S. Takeuchi

I need you these whom write your own notebook, the UB Ph.D or this Avenger. You write, "What is the consumer psychology be in the middle of all this"? 

So you finish this week.

A belly has a black eye, disgusting 3 to 9 open eyes.

Black Pope
P - O - P - E

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