
I personally need to tell you something ....the that. My video yesterday I check, I got my voice back or I was checking a different video.

I didn't think I will be doing the anatomy and the physiology right on the television. I can write the whole floor on the ground of it. (Maybe which video has no voice to re-check). I was telling Nicky that, actually.....my Pinterest album, those are the synthetical nature to lean the discipline.

It will be my minor - the medicinal chemistry. 

You work with the drugs synthesis concept. That is not the human anatomy and physiology. Or unless kids they lie to me too, the green frogs, their only major its pre-med, or a lot of them gearing toward the medicine. I hardly see or know there is the pharmaceutical.

So yesterday I got shocked too. 

(or unless those video didn't get the voice back neither)

Re-check it.

No, I got my voice back, I check that comet video. 

I got bomb and shocked. I know there is nothing making a sense on anyone side, no one majors those "medicinal chemistry". 

Synthetical means ....you see those reagent, none of them are bio.

Not one trace of any bio in them, that is why that is the medicinal chemistry, the drug synthesis.  Its all the modern drugs purification or the synthesis of that drugs I suppose. Its by the protocol, you create those drugs formats, and memorize the drugs name. Its like the pharmacist, but the pharmaceutical they doing the research. I don't really know anything about them...that is MD 6+1, I am trying to say Wing is the pharm D. That is the pharmacist. 

I just remember this year, that was the UB Pharmecutical director?

I had a minor in the medicinal chemistry?

Synthetical means?

They are all the modern drugs, if you can put inside your mouth and swallow, its on my hand, or the glove? You extract them, you purify that drugs. You doing a filtration or something to isolate them out similar you create all these artificial flavor. Its legal, but they are not on the shelf expiration date. There is no expiration date on the artificial flavoring or the coloring?

They are purely chemical synthetical department.

I keep saying that?

I do better in the synthetical department?

The math and the equation, that is in chemistry. My major was in the chemistry? You talking about a real reality. I am not going to touch those dead corpse, or the blood work related. I can talk about the textbook, but not really going to a breathing room or a surgical place to see, to watch, to truely meant I look at a body open chest surgery?

We have 10 weeks labs of the evolutionary biology meaning those entirely smell of the species, nothing but the chemical smell, when they are on the top of your counter, to cut open. Its preservative smell I think? Its not fresh from the water? 

Its all the chemical smell? 

You inhale the chemical, not the bio or the germ in it?  In the air.

You don't know how they make the bio-weaponry? That is deadly and fetal. On the international laws somewhere must have one of those treaty, its not the bio war, anything of any of that? Not inhale in those?

Like One Boy, that Haliey video on the polyester jacket tooooo cold in American night hour. 

That is synthetical. The polyester. You touch-and-feel. You have the winter jacket in the outlet mall or NASA those big suit The Day After Tomorrow, all of that are the synthetical. I keep saying I am the synthetical looking human. 

I was never doing anything on the medicine side ! I probably never think I need to talk open on the video, to the.....?! I am not going that field. Not for real? I know the difference of the bio and the chemical synthetical, why I even pick that major?

If I just synthesis a drug right now in the lab.....

You mean carry a procedure, they probably can have just the technician doing all that. It will be the filtration, the isolation and the purification. You concentrate that drugs to the higher dosage to sell? The Tylenol its not 400 mg, its 2 tablet 600 mg per pill? 

That is the chemistry department. The chemistry lab procedure. There is nothing particular about it. Anyone with the chemistry degree can learn those bench jobs. I personally don't know a thing in the pharmaecutical.

The math and the euqation?

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