
I think you both Wing and Ola make it your country language to this million dollar standard in 15 years.

Because your age right now, to 55 years old. That time ....you saying what it means to be that higher money stake and you coming to meet again. That will be a very very very sweet of the story. You from Hong Kong side, and she is from Poland side. You didn't have to hate each other starting from the beginning because of the judgements side. At this age, you are very young to the way you look to a lot of the people in our classroom.

When you saying 2 person, one guy or one girl putting in the middle of the all door. And this girl seeing this guy, the first seeing its HATE. 

You knowing that or I guessing that?

Then you lose it about 3 months, let's say. You suddenly felt your mood was at the down side. That kind of the supportive might be from Wing. He puts some of the things in it as the guy side. But you put a lot more hate from the very beginning. 

This Tina 青雲誌 I actually saw some part of this lineage fight among each other, and I AM not that random just putting the human life on that account just random anyway. You like this guy, why the first day playing the mood, is that every single time argument, one side bed, the other side window? This is the girl doing that every single time. For any lineage holder, its the most sickening of the human world people doing that, and especially you are the girl that has no back end exit. I will tell you all the same story. Between the world of the girl and the guys, are different. 

Wing you will be talking directly to me WHEN you finish all this bimb flowery, and this TINA JOJO how you are outside WHAT lineage ground by what reason all looking like that. There is another Simon, none of you degree for saying the spirituality, or imagine I mean per muscle move, you mean you are outside the ground flopping around your wing, or your eclipsy, you thought that lineage door or the power, when ANY day I believe its real, or I meant EVERY precept follows.

You practice something what is that?


And why that is a TV?

You ever had every other things in those things? The TV plots.

Wing, hop the frog, like the rabbit jump on the ice.

Explain yourself. 

Do you Wing have a list of your gf, the photo, or your comment, anything between that sort. Anything inside the movie, you getting back to your ex gf, or the choice of the future to these lesson learn? A lot of people accumulate some money up to 55 and finding the correct things. You have a very mild saying from the Star above the head, you know that, or your parents know what they are staring at?

From Hong Kong?

I guessing you are the military, but you are tearing inside your mind eyes with your parents arguing something, for real in life. You got put there as that name as that birthday, or ...anything else you are, you were going somewhere with this we think might be the military, not another name itself?

What do you see that drama Tina at 青雲誌?

When someone to make that disastrous things, and got thrown outside out of the lineage, you what?  Love the profanity of the world to create monkey?

Or that is not the culture of yours?

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