
Let's try a brand new reality argument in the real life, a Tyranny girl like you, any of you....wishing to just do what I tell you to do.

A girl + a boy.

In front of this 10 girls literally per year once or twice on the phone Line App group, sharing or comment to each other, encourage each other in the chat box, how are you doing with that one girl, and separate to one guy.

You cuddle that one girl, to you being cuddle by a guy.

In front of the 10 girls. Just try 1 month, or 3 month because you say wait ....after the first 5 weeks, you wish to tell me in 3 months. You have no longer insist to go in any crowd human places anymore. 



You say to those girls, whichever the facebook. "If I get one guy, you get one guy, so because you acquire, I will then get another girl too. You think that works? We keep contact and talk about it."

That is what people like you do the real talk behind. You get one of those these girl behind, in the middle with the heart below? That kind of the girl has a certain talk like that. They lean on you ....just not so the worldly people look at them. You like that kind of the mildness, you can get a lot more professional work jobs.....I keep saying you are the tyranny, I have seen before.

You get this kind of the girl, because you have a lot more logical sense, you wrap around your arm around her, you the girl older 40 years old to wrap around this kind of 20 years old girl. You just do what I tell you to do. You can just ask that kind of the girl for 1 week. You all very liberal sense to tell me breaking up in 1 week, you don't get affected by. So break up in 1 week. 

These 3 people are too young looking. You can all just each takes 1. 

You want to just contact them behind?

I have no idea how to use this Youtube.

They used to have a method to contact anyone from behind.....You make a video of yourself, and you say you wish .....???! You pretend, don't sent to them. You pretend a target, you go to your local City, to find somebody, or your existing school, or the facebook. But pretend you have a target.

You present like .....

No, that is not a plain cloth. Those type of the girls they know the clothing. 

Or this?


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