
Move me forward at the same side, near the net.

Right, Dean is moving from that FL, to the middle point, that is Texas, or that is the Setter position.

That is what I can tell you.

This must be coincidence, that is the Statue of the liberty right?


oh no .... You all need to leave. That was your program. That is not that, its the Star Above the Head. You can say the Horse President in the audience seat, move.  Here Taiwan. If he dies, you have no more choice.

A lot of things in my life just happened, I will tell you that. Let's say, if I stuck in America, and someone like me explaining to me, I will ask my mother, and come back to Taiwan, but I already be back here 7 years, and I am talking to Ireland side. There is a lot of things just happened because I work for a living.

The middle West that main character its not Adam, never gonna be Laura. They....I really don't care what they do with that Ella Enchanted.  I need to focus on the BTX or this after immediate X Man Past or Future - to W Two worlds still the same line on the bio or bio tech worlds.  That.....someone never works, you don't think I work for a living I can tell you that, to seeing BTX and Ella Enchanted? I already left there 20 years. Do you file your lawsuit whichever the movie and did it go through, you need to have a correct argument, when someone putting all this crown on it, you doing nothing but getting rid of, and the only way doing that, you list up 1000 argument, it will NEVER be THAT.

Meaning does that lawsuit you written, going through? One lawsuit, or your per movie per lawsuit, or that is a combine?  For example, this one W Two worlds, my arguments I break them down almost to 20-30 just one Dr. Bing Shen, not finished it yet. 30+20= 50 lawsuit per file, that is one W Two worlds will be, not combine to anything before..... lawsuit 651. 

I have....sorry. Flower Thousand Bone included. That is a lot more the religious nature. Contact that is at the BTX that side. 

Let me see. Ep 08


See, I have to be in the middle of it.

Every so often. This TV is already 8 years pass, they have a lot of the new China TV drama too. I am not sure if China they file what, but they will not hear about it, its....

1) You use the marriage law like the other day I am explaining it to this Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, touring around to 1st AD. Why, not 0 AD?

2) There has to be a real bliblical book written down, so you have the evidence. 

No, let me finish saying it.

No one knows what you did behind, each of you. But the other day I given you a plain sight tour. You saying I only took the UB 2 classes, and I even given you the classroom name. That is UB Family Law and UB Consumer Laws.

Now, you don't remember one day I threaten your parents, or your younger survillence people from your parents world, that is? If they keep pushing this wrongful side of the wrong argument, to tell me a child star story I know that myself or you all behind making 2 cents fake, I use the outside the exactly same methods, I told them those things I design behind the IPad. Just that tiny small things magnetic or wood making.

So you saying, "oh, weird, no one will ever use the marriage laws, you mean the church and the states separate, its not the marriage laws." Then you telling me, what did you file every single time, how you just gonna keep going back and forth later on, you are first run off its the marriage laws, the arguments you wish to put in, its the marriage laws. And in the end, it is the marriage laws..... But that movie called Frozen, none of that are the marriage laws. 

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