
Probably Tamang is with the girl, name Bella. It looks like Torus, lab. The one.

But ....they, you mean Orlando's friend, they are all the guys near there, including the football team. ROTC. They are all guys. So this entire scene looks very funny to me. There is a word womenizer, Tamang does 3 girls beach said to say ilegal, his favorite time with reporting manipulation psycho, all those scene are nothing but the girls.

This entire classroom, they KT are allllllll very tall guys. Even saying the UB facebook myself.

There are very very very strange encountering the first saying all this movie, because, my peripheral its me seeing a story.

It might be a volleyball thing, because UK has one day event, I went with them in the middle of the court, and its....entire stair, the high school audience seats, its filled with people, and there is one volleyball play.

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